Teller Report

Moukoko, to break all records with Haaland's Dortmund

11/23/2020, 10:38:23 PM

On the 9th of fashion, the Norwegian Erling Haaland was designated on Saturday Golden Boy 2020, the best young player performing in Europe. He celebrated hours later scoring four goals in Berlin.

On the 9th of fashion, the Norwegian

Erling Haaland

was designated on Saturday Golden Boy 2020, the best young player performing in Europe.

He celebrated hours later scoring four goals in Berlin.

He has already scored 15 goals in 12 games this season with Borussia Dortmund, one every 63 minutes.

Five more are added with his national team.

But the news of the clash was the debut of the young Cameroonian

Youssoufa Moukoko

, whom Haaland himself has defined as "the greatest talent in the world at this time."

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