Teller Report

Missed traveling - built an airplane cabin in his own kitchen

11/21/2020, 7:09:21 AM

Like many nowadays, Gunnar Hunskaar from Norwegian Sandsfjord misses being able to travel. Therefore, he has taken matters into his own hands to get the feeling of being on the road. - It's cheap to travel from here. And convenient, because I have a microwave, oven and refrigerator next to me, says the 57-year-old aviation fan to Norwegian TV2.

When Norwegian restrictions allowed, he could sometimes fill his 12 used airline seats with family and friends.

Drinks and snacks are served from a cart, luggage is stored in the cupboards above the pantry and along the floor the road to the nearest emergency exit is lit.

- For me, it is easy to sit down and daydream away, says Gunnar Hunskaar.

In the clip, we meet Gunnar before leaving for his favorite destination, Malaga.