Teller Report

Sobyanin called the situation with coronavirus in Moscow manageable

11/20/2020, 10:28:40 PM

The situation with coronavirus infection in Moscow remains manageable, said the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, in an interview with the Vesti program on the Russia 1 TV channel.

"In general, the epidemiological situation in Moscow, as the president said, is controlled and controlled," TASS quoted him as saying.

As noted by Sobyanin, in the last five days there has been no serious surge in the incidence.

In addition, he added, although the numbers themselves for the number of hospitalized are high, there is a slight release in hospitals in terms of bed capacity.

Earlier, the head of the city stressed that the authorities made many unpleasant decisions to combat the coronavirus, but these measures are yielding results.

Over the past day, 6902 new cases of infection were recorded in Moscow.

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