Teller Report

Supporting business conversion of small and medium-sized enterprises To introduce a new subsidy system Government

11/17/2020, 9:30:54 PM

[NHK] The government has introduced a new subsidy system and the government to support the business transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises that continue to be severely managed by the new corona virus.

Supporting business conversion of small and medium-sized enterprises To introduce a new subsidy system Government November 18, 5:09


The government plans to introduce a new subsidy system and expand loans at low interest rates by government-affiliated financial institutions in order to support the business transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, which continue to be severely managed by the new coronavirus.

The government is considering new support measures to support business transformation to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs whose management is deteriorating due to the impact of the new corona.

Specifically, in addition to introducing a new subsidy system in anticipation of capital investment required for business conversion, the interest rate when the government-affiliated financial institution "Japan Finance Corporation" lends funds The policy is to expand measures to reduce the amount.

The government is considering specific institutional design such as the conditions of the target company and the content of business conversion so that these support measures will not become disorderly so-called "scattering", and if the details are finalized, next month The policy is to incorporate it into the additional economic measures to be summarized.

In order to regain the competitiveness of SMEs that have supported Japan's economic base, we not only support business continuity, but also business in growth fields based on the "new daily life" that presupposes the existence of infectious diseases. Encouraging conversion is also an important issue.