Teller Report

You tell me the news ! - Gérard Jugnot settles his tales

11/16/2020, 4:28:26 PM

Far from the stories of Perrault, Grimm and the fables of La Fontaine, Gérard Jugnot revisits the Flammarion editions the tales of our childhood with a biting and politically incorrect pen.

Gérard Jugnot settles his tales

Gérard Jugnot publishes the book "C'est Heure des Contes" by Flammarion Editions Credits: Cédric Ferrer: Visual by Starface / Flammarion

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

2 min

Far from the stories of Perrault, Grimm and the fables of La Fontaine, Gérard Jugnot revisits the Flammarion editions the tales of our childhood with a biting and politically incorrect pen.


Have you ever seen a big bad wolf… vegan?

A frog who wanted to be… thinner than an eel?

A hare that leaves… on time?

A mole ... who finds glasses.

Three little pigs immigrated to Thailand?

A field rat high on pesticides?

Would any resemblance to characters already known be really fortuitous?

Nothing is less certain when you open this little red book in which you also come across a little hood of the same color and its little pot of butter;

a new Cinderella a little less glamorous than his illustrious model, or a Bluebeard who has been converted into a terrifying film producer.

When you read the author's name on the cover, you will understand that this book that tells us about us and our great times is simply… splendid.

"It's storytelling time" with

Gérard Jugnot

, is to be discovered at Flammarion editions.

Also to be discovered during the show a portrait of Gérard Jugnot by

Amélie Beaucour



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