Teller Report

Wastewater analysis, a unique tool in the fight against the coronavirus

11/16/2020, 11:17:33 PM

Analysis of wastewater in sewers or in treatment plants could make it possible to follow, or even anticipate, the evolution of the epidemic in the countries. In France, a research project, ...

Wastewater analysis, a unique tool in the fight against the coronavirus

This microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2 emerging on the surface of cells in yellow in an isolated sample from a patient with Covid-19.


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Analysis of wastewater in sewers or in treatment plants could make it possible to follow, or even anticipate, the evolution of the epidemic in the countries.

In France, a research project called Obépine takes this type of measurement.

It was set up several months ago. 


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Track down traces of coronavirus in wastewater, excreted via the stool.

The approach may not seem very inviting, but it is of real scientific and collective interest.

So why waste water?

The SARS-CoV-2 at the origin of this disease called Covid-19 is a virus mainly with respiratory transmission and we also know that there is a probable replication in the disgestive tube, an excretion and therefore a release of the virus in the sanitation networks, and indeed in the wastewater treatment plants, 

”explains Vincent Maréchal, professor of virology at Sorbonne University, and co-founder of the Obépine project.

See also: Coronavirus: traces of SARS-CoV-2 found in non-drinking water in Paris

The project started in Île-de-France at the beginning of March and the observations are very interesting, as attested by Laurent Moulin, in charge of the Research and Development laboratory of Eaux de Paris: " 

The reduction of the viral genome concentration in wastewater is very fast when setting up containment.

The second interesting information is the resumption in early July of the circulation of the virus linked to the end of containment.

A few weeks before the increase in the incidence rate, an increase in the viral genome concentration was observed in the wastewater.


The analysis of wastewater could therefore serve as an early indicator of the evolution of the epidemic, and make it possible to guide action.

This is already a reality in Marseille.

Thus, analyzes carried out near retirement homes have made it possible to detect the presence of the virus, and thus to organize screenings in these places.

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