Teller Report

The president plays golf

11/16/2020, 3:05:38 PM

“Yes, the US president is bewildered, confused - he clearly did not expect that victory in the elections would be so impudently stolen right from under his nose. The fact that Trump is in a state of "groggy" is also evidenced by his recent posts on his favorite Twitter - he writes that "he (Biden. - KB) won only in fake news" - and, of course, all fake news immediately start chanting: "Trump has recognized Biden's victory!" Meanwhile, his supporters now more than ever need a solid, confident Trump - the one they saw at the campaign rallies. "

In the spring of 1990, when Donald Trump's business empire was threatened with collapse, the future US president (he was then 44 years old) locked himself in a small apartment on one of the lower floors of Trump Tower.

He almost never left the apartment, only called his first wife, Ivana, who continued to live in a luxurious family penthouse with beige onyx floors and a living room painted with Michelangelo-style frescoes at night.

Trump ordered hamburgers and fries from a nearby fast food store.

He has grown fat, has grown long hair.

One of his friends said: "You look like Howard Hughes (the famous crazy billionaire, the hero of the movie" Aviator "-



“Thanks,” Trump muttered as he munched on a hamburger.

"I admire this man."

It took him several months to get in shape.

Then he assembled a team of lawyers and bankrupted his Taj Mahal casino, surprisingly managing to restructure his debts so that he remained in a big plus.

Trump is one of those people who know how to turn their failures into victories.

It sounds paradoxical, but the figure of the 45th President of the United States is generally woven of paradoxes.

Having studied the Trump phenomenon for five years, I have a good idea of ​​what is going on in the soul of the 45th President of the United States.

Donald Trump is a fighter, he is not just knocked down, but an unexpectedly missed blow can incapacitate him.

Yes, then he will surely gather his strength and hit back, but this state, which in professional boxing is called “groggy” (when, after a blow to the chin, a boxer begins to “swim”), he can continue for quite a long time.

As it was in 1990, when his business empire was crumbling before his eyes, and he did nothing.

Now that his second term in office is slipping out of his hands amid the triumphant hooting of the liberal media, Donald Trump is in just such a state.

The question "Why?"

Probably, all supporters of the 45th US president and everyone who sympathizes with him are asking themselves now - and there are a lot of them, despite the titanic efforts of liberal fake news and Internet giants like Facebook and Twitter - no less than 73 million. Why was the Republican Party's election observation system in key states so poorly prepared?

Yes, there are videos in which polling station officials do not allow Republican observers to visit them, but there is not one where these observers would come to polling stations in the company of lawyers or employees of the local sheriff's office.

But most importantly, there has been so much talk about Trump having assembled a huge army of lawyers ready to defend his interests in courts after the elections!

And this army was really assembled, only at the crucial moment most of it "deserted" or threw out the white flag.

"We found that quite a few lawyers who signed (to defend Trump -


) and received huge, multimillion-dollar royalties from the GOP threw the president under a bus last week," said Harmit Dillon, former deputy chairman of the California Republican Party. ...

According to Dillon, the overwhelming majority of lawyers assembled by the Great Old Party for the legal battles that would bring Trump victory simply "took the money and found a way to gracefully bow out."

Some of them surrendered under the pressure of noisy leftists - after all, under the conditions of total control of the liberal media, it suddenly became "unfashionable" to defend the president, and these glamorous lawyers are closely following the fashion.

Some simply did not want to do tedious, painstaking, "ridiculous" work in certain states.

Such, for example, as checking voting machines equipped with Dominion software (in the previous column I wrote about this company, closely associated with the Clinton Foundation and providing 3% of the vote in favor of Biden in Michigan and some other hesitant states).

In Texas, for example, electoral commissions have abandoned the use of voting machines powered by Dominion software, as Republican lawyers said they were too vulnerable to hacking.

As a result, Texas gave its votes to Trump.

But why hasn't this been done in other states such as Georgia, which has always been a "red" (republican) state?

"Filing lawsuits against states and counties to remove deceased voters from the voter lists is less glamorous than political consulting with luxury hotel stays and self-promotion," says Dillon.

The Republican-hired lawyers loved living at the Four Seasons and getting fabulous royalties - and when it came to boring electoral roll checking, they chose to withdraw.

“This applies to a lot of people in the Trump administration,” Dillon concluded.

“They were unreliable friends.

At the first peals of thunder, they were blown away by the wind. "

Trump was abandoned by his lawyers (loyal Rudy Giuliani does not count), betrayed by political leaders whom he considered to be his allies (British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Israeli leader Bibi Netanyahu rushed to congratulate Joe Biden on his victory, without waiting for the official election results), even opposed him Fox News, which now sits on the board of former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has a huge grudge against the president.

But Trump also has real friends.

Mass demonstrations took place over the weekend in Washington, dubbed the MAGA Millions March.

MAGA, let me remind you, is an abbreviation of the slogan “Let's make America great again”, under which Trump entered the White House in 2016.

Red baseball caps with MAGA letters are the hallmark of the president's supporters.

Wearing them in today's politically correct and tolerant (to nausea) America is not safe: they can be beaten, maimed, or even shot - there have been incidents.

But this weekend at least 40 thousand Trumpists gathered on the streets of Washington and the democratic red guards - activists of the BLM and antifa movements - did not dare to attack them for the time being, only shouted insults and threw eggs from a safe distance.

For the 700 thousandth Washington, 40 thousand demonstrators on the streets is a lot.

In proportion, it is as if 800 thousand people gathered in the center of Moscow.

Even during the June riots organized by the BLM, no more than 10-15 thousand rebels "protested" in the American capital.

People in red baseball caps, President T-shirts, and Trump 2020 flags have literally flooded Washington.

They walked in an endless stream to the Capitol, they picketed the Supreme Court building, sending the judges an unambiguous message: the people are demanding a recount in key states, where Trump's victory was stolen from them as a result of falsifications.

It was a grand spectacle - a real explosion of popular enthusiasm, the deep, powerful energy of a healthy, unaffected liberal corruption of America that made Trump president four years ago and was ready to support him in the struggle for the presidency now.

The same support from below, about which a lot - and in an apocalyptic vein - was written on the eve of the elections.

Like, if Trump loses the election, he will turn to his adoring rednecks, tough guys with rifles, and they will arrange a new Kristallnacht for the liberals.

In reality, everything turned out quite differently.

First, the "March of Millions" took place spontaneously - Trump did not invite his supporters to Washington.

Secondly, Trump did not seize the chance to appeal to the nation amid the squares of the American capital filled with voters in red baseball caps, although this could be a powerful move in his fight against the Democrats.

True, the president appeared on the streets of Washington for a few minutes, causing a storm of delight among his supporters ... not to speak to them, but to proceed in an armored limousine to a country golf club.

And this, perhaps, was Donald Trump's big mistake.

Tens of thousands of supporters have not abandoned their president.

But he, alas, threw them away.

While Trump was playing golf at a gated elite club - his long favorite way to deal with stress - his constituencies were attacked by BAs and Antifa.

Even after dark, they did not dare to attack large groups of Trumpists, but watched those who lagged behind the main columns, preferring to attack the elderly or women.

They were surrounded by groups of healthy young bandits, hiding their faces under masks, and the beating began.

Dozens of videos of such attacks have been posted on Twitter by the well-known anti-fascist whistleblower, Portland-based journalist Andy Ngo, who has himself been a victim of aggressive leftists on several occasions.

It can be seen that black and white "fighters for the idea" prefer to attack meanly, from around the corner, from the back, sometimes finishing off with their feet on the ground.

The police either did not intervene or openly helped the rioters.

Conservative lawyer Christopher Horn and two of his colleagues tried to get into their hotel after Saturday's march, located next to the infamous BLM Plaza, the renamed "progressive" mayor of Washington, part of the former 16th Street.

The police, who were in the cordon, did not let them pass the short and safe route to the hotel.

Horn and his colleagues were forced to detour through streets full of BLM and Antifa fighters.

On the way, they were attacked several times, and the guards did not come to their aid this time.

When the battered Trump supporters finally got to their hotel and tried to contact the police on duty there, they said they had not seen anything and were not going to interfere.

“DC police let me down today,” Horn told Breitbart News bitterly.

"My disappointment with the police and America in general outweighs the pain of the blows."

It is not a fact, of course, that if Trump had gone out to his supporters and delivered one of his energetic, incendiary speeches, to which he was so generous during the campaign rallies, it would have protected them from aggressive leftists.

But the fact is that it would have earned him much more points than playing golf on a green lawn - even with very important people.

Yes, the President of the United States is bewildered, confused - he clearly did not expect that the election victory would be so impudently stolen right from under his nose.

The fact that Trump is in a state of "groggy" is also evidenced by his recent posts on his favorite Twitter - he writes that "he (Biden. -


) won only in fake news" - and, of course, all fake news immediately start chanting: "Trump has recognized Biden's victory!", then he catches himself and writes in large letters: "I WON THE ELECTION!"

Meanwhile, his supporters need the tough, confident Trump now more than ever - the one they saw at campaign rallies, the one who spoke to the nation at the foot of Mount Rushmore on Independence Day, the one who promised to make America great again.

Will they see him like this again?

Or will Trump go down in history as the man who played golf while others fought for him on the streets of Washington with antifa gangs?

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.