Teller Report

The bars fuck

11/16/2020, 4:17:38 PM

I went into the bar on Tuesday. I asked what I used to do: if someone could invite me. I drank while leafing through the press. There was Juan the taxi driver, who says he already loses money with him

I went into the bar on Tuesday.

I asked what I usually do: if someone could invite me. I drank while leafing through the press.

There was


the taxi driver, who says he already loses money with the taxi.


from the travel agency, who says that she is already losing money with the travel agency.


from the kiosk, who says he already loses money with the kiosk.


the owner of the bar, who says he is already losing money with the bar, so I paid for my green tea, there was no other way out.

There are mornings when the thing is

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