Teller Report

More than 57% of voters: Maia Sandu won the presidential elections in Moldova

11/16/2020, 1:41:56 PM

In the second round of presidential elections in Moldova, Maia Sandu, leader of the Action and Solidarity party, won. She got 57.75% of the vote. Sandu's rival, incumbent President Igor Dodon, has 42.25%. The elected head of state announced her intentions "to unite the society divided by the results of these elections." In foreign policy, Sandu plans to build a "pragmatic dialogue" with all countries, including Russia and the United States. The current leader of Moldova congratulated Sandu on his victory, but announced his intentions to challenge the results of the vote in court.

Former Prime Minister of Moldova and leader of the Action and Solidarity party, Maia Sandu, won the second round of presidential elections with 57.75% of the vote.

Sandu's rival, incumbent President Igor Dodon, has 42.25%.

He congratulated Maia Sanda on her election as head of state.

To win the presidential elections in Moldova, it is necessary to enlist the support of more than half of the voters.

The term of office of the president in the republic lasts four years.

Sandu herself declared her victory at a time when she was leading with 54.95% after processing 97.9% of ballots.

She stated that a "common victory" was achieved and said she was proud of "her team and all the young people who took part in the vote."

Sandu stated that her first priority will be to unite the Moldovan society.

“First of all, we must unite the society divided by the results of these elections.

We need to unite the country in order to build the economy and bring our people home from abroad, ”TASS quotes her.

Subsequently, she announced that she intends to conduct a balanced foreign policy and pragmatic dialogue with all countries, including Russia. 

“We will build a real balance in foreign policy, based on the national interests of Moldova, and a pragmatic dialogue with all countries, including Romania, Ukraine, European countries, Russia and the United States,” Sandu quoted TASS as saying at the briefing.

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to Maya Sandu on the occasion of his election victory.

The head of the Russian state wished Sandu success, good health and prosperity.

“I hope that your activities at the head of state will contribute to the constructive development of relations between our countries.

This would undoubtedly meet the fundamental interests of the peoples of Russia and Moldova, ”the Kremlin press service quotes Putin's telegram.

Russian President's press secretary Dmitry Peskov also said that the Kremlin expects to establish a working relationship with the winner of the presidential elections in Moldova.

“Of course, we still have to establish working relations with the new president of Moldova.

We hope that they will be improved.

Russia appreciates our relationship with the Moldovan people, you know that Russia has always helped the Moldovan people, ”Peskov told reporters.

The press service of the Action and Solidarity Party, led by Sandu, announced the first telephone conversation of the President-elect.

It is reported that Sandu spoke with the head of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, and expressed her readiness to strengthen relations between the countries.

The current head of the republic on Monday urged his supporters not to protest after the presidential elections.

“I ask my supporters not to succumb to provocations and not to take to the streets, I call for calm, we do not need destabilization,” Dodon said during the briefing.

His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

At the same time, the President of Moldova announced his intention to challenge the election results.

He called for the use of "all legal methods" for this, among which Dodon mentioned an appeal to the CEC, to the court, to the Appeals Chamber and to the Constitutional Court.

Dodon added that his campaign headquarters registered an unprecedented number of violations during the election of the head of the republic.

According to him, the headquarters uses all legal opportunities to check the voting results.

We add that the Ambassador of Moldova to the Russian Federation, Andrei Negutsa, spoke about the support of Dodon's candidacy at the polling stations opened in Russia.

“In Russia, candidate Igor Dodon won at all 17 polling stations.

10,532 out of 13,995 voted for him, 3463 votes for candidate Maia Sandu.

The picture is clear, the message of voters is this

Of course, there will be a deeper discussion of these results, "RIA Novosti quotes a fragment of the ambassador's speech on the air of" Russia 24 ".

Let us remind you that the first round of the presidential elections in Moldova took place on November 1.

It was also won by Maia Sandu with 36.16% of the vote.

The second place was taken by the incumbent head of state Igor Dodon with a score of 32.61%.

The third place was taken by the candidate from Our Party, Renato Usatii, with 16.9% of the votes.

Violetta Ivanov from the Shor party got 6.49%, the chairman of the Dignity and Truth Platform party Andrei Nastase - 3.26%.

According to the Central Election Commission of the republic, the turnout in the first round was 42.76%.

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