Teller Report

Filmstaden closes cinemas again

11/16/2020, 4:25:43 PM

Sweden's largest cinema chain is closing again after the government announced that a maximum of eight people may gather.

- It is so very gloomy, but we will have to close.

November 24 - December 22.

That is as long as the eight-person limit is to apply, then it is clear that it is difficult to know when you will be told what it will be like after 22 December, says Helena Eklund, commercial director at Filmstaden.

Helena Eklund emphasizes that Christmas Day is the Swedish cinema industry's most important premiere day and that it is currently unclear whether it is possible to keep it open.

In P1's Studio, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said that cinemas do not necessarily have to close, but Helena Eklund believes that Filmstaden and its lawyer interpreted the restrictions as meaning that it is not possible to keep more than eight people open per salon.

- We think it is unclear, FHM did not tell us about it, but they do not seem to be fully coordinated.

As we and our lawyer have understood this, there are eight that apply, she says.

The Swedish cinema chain will be open.

They have 37 cinemas in 33 locations in Sweden.