Teller Report

Around the question - How do birds live?

11/16/2020, 4:46:15 PM

Ornithologists take us under their wings to observe the fascinating courtship displays, the varied loves and the parental links developed in good intelligence by the birds ...

How do birds live?

Audio 48:30

Covers of works by Marc Duquet and Guilhem Lesaffre, our guests Rustica éditions / Delachaux and Niestlé

By: Caroline Lachowsky

50 min

Ornithologists take us under their wings to observe the fascinating courtship displays, the varied loves and the parental links developed in good intelligence by the birds ...


Listen to the birds sing and seduce each other in sumptuous displays before marrying like lovebirds, across oceans and continents to raise their young in good understanding.

Birds have something to fascinate us and not only by their flight or the beauty of their warping and their plumage, but also by their formidable cognitive capacities.

The intelligence of birds has not ceased to surprise us, as well as their formidable morphological and behavioral diversity.


Guilhem Lesaffre

(ornithologist, administrator of the French Bird Protection League (LPO). His latest book

Oiseaux grandeur nature

 has just been published by Rustica and he has signed many books at Glénat 

Marc Duquet

(founder and editor-in-chief of the journal Ornithos) for his book

Sex and seduction in birds

published by Delachaux and Niestlé


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