Teller Report

200,000 dirhams in compensation for a young man who was beaten, insulted and damaged his vehicle

11/16/2020, 9:05:22 PM

A full civil court in Ras Al Khaimah has ruled that two young men (Gulf nationals) must pay a young man of the same nationality 200,000 dirhams in compensation for the damages he suffered as a result of their beating, insulting and following him on the highway with their vehicle and ramming his vehicle, which caused its complete destruction. It came in the list of A.

“Two Gulfs” followed him on the road and hit his vehicle

200,000 dirhams in compensation for a young man who was beaten, insulted and damaged his vehicle

A full civil court in Ras Al Khaimah has ruled that two young men (Gulf nationals) must pay a young man of the same nationality 200,000 dirhams in compensation for the damages he suffered as a result of their beating, insulting and following him on the highway with their vehicle and ramming his vehicle, which caused its complete destruction.

The Public Prosecution indictment stated that the accused assaulted the safety of the victim and caused injuries to him that led to his inability to perform his personal work for a period of no more than 20 days, put his life and security at risk, destroyed his car and rendered it unfit for use, and drove their vehicles recklessly and posed a danger to the public .

She explained that the first defendant overtook the young man’s vehicle with his vehicle, and the second accused insulted him in words that violated life and affected the reputation of the families.

The young man filed a lawsuit demanding that the two young men be obligated to pay him compulsory compensation for all material and moral damages incurred by him in terms of loss and lost earnings as a result of the harmful acts committed by the defendants with the legal interest 9% from the date of filing the case, and obligating them to pay the expenses and attorney fees.

He explained that the two defendants insulted him with damages to his honor and reputation, beat him and injured him and scratches all over his body, tearing his clothes, chasing him with their car, and endangering his life by hitting and damaging his car.

The attorney of the two defendants submitted a defense memorandum demanding that the lawsuit be rejected because of the absence of the elements of tort liability and the absence of damage, and that the insurance company is responsible for compensation because the car is insured.

The young man’s agent confirmed that the insurance company is not responsible for compensation, as the act in which the car was used as an instrument of assault was intentional, and that insurance coverage does not include intentional acts.

The court clarified in the verdict that the young man suffered material damage as a result of the defendant's beating and infliction of redness in the left eye, blurred vision, and multiple scratches throughout his chest, neck and right arm, in addition to tearing his outer and inner clothes and damaging his car by intentionally colliding with him.

She indicated that it is proven that the plaintiff suffered moral damages and suffered psychological pain and a feeling of sadness as a result of the assault on the integrity of his body, the destruction of his car and the endangering of his life, and the insult to him that affects his social status among his family and relatives, and with him the court orders the defendant to perform The plaintiff has 200 thousand dirhams compensation for material and moral damages in solidarity between them, due to the union of the basis of their responsibility out of the obligation to compensate for their fault in the plaintiff's right, as well as obligated them to expenses and attorney fees and rejected all other requests.

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