Teller Report

100 euros per month more from May 2021 for beginner teachers

11/16/2020, 7:32:27 PM

French teachers' salaries are 7% lower at the start of their careers than the OECD averageDemonstration of teachers in France, illustration - FRED SCHEIBER / SIPA The Ministry of Education announced this Monday to teachers that the salary of beginning teachers will increase by 100 euros net per month, paid as a bonus, from next May, and confirmed for all the granting of a bonus IT 150 euros per year. The 2021 budget of the ministry has been increased by 400 million euros (500 million

Demonstration of teachers in France, illustration -


The Ministry of Education announced this Monday to teachers that the salary of beginning teachers will increase by 100 euros net per month, paid as a bonus, from next May, and confirmed for all the granting of a bonus IT 150 euros per year.

The 2021 budget of the ministry has been increased by 400 million euros (500 million for a full year): approximately half of this envelope will be used for teachers at the start of their careers, "in order to promote the attractiveness of the teaching profession. ยป, Indicates the ministry to the teachers.

31% of teachers concerned

French teachers' salaries are 7% lower at the start of their careers than the average for Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.

"The bonus will benefit 31% of teachers" (including CPE and psychologists of national education), "during the first 15 years of careers for staff and will be degressive according to seniority", specifies the ministry.

From next May, a beginning teacher will earn 100 euros net more per month.

A contract worker at the start of his career will earn 54 euros net more each month.

The bonus, however, did not concern teachers from 15 years of service.

To allow career advancement, the rate of promotion "to the non-class" of teachers will be increased from 17% to 18% in 2021. This measure will allow 1,700 more staff to move to the "hors classe" each year (a second teacher grade). ), according to the ministry.

Exceptional bonuses

The ministry has also confirmed the payment of an IT bonus of 150 euros net per year for all teachers from next January.

Some 21 million euros will be devoted to "a lasting increase" in the salaries of directors, "the same level as that of the exceptional bonus for re-entry in 2020".

This exceptional allowance of 450 euros, promised at the start of the school year by the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, was to be paid to them from November.


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  • Salary

  • Teacher

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  • National Education

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