Teller Report

Yen exchange rate rises somewhat in the afternoon 1 dollar = 105 yen level

11/13/2020, 7:32:51 AM

[NHK] On the 13th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate have risen somewhat against the dollar.

Yen exchange rate rises somewhat in the afternoon 1 dollar = 105 yen level also at 16:25 on November 13

On the 13th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market, the yen exchange rate has risen somewhat against the dollar.

Market officials said, "In the afternoon, the dollar was sold and the yen was bought as the infection of the new coronavirus spread again in the United States and restrictions on economic activities were tightened in New York and Chicago. Since then, there has been a movement to buy back the dollar, and at one point there was a scene where the dollar was in the 105 yen range. "