Teller Report

Shanghai: Multiple factors superimposed on the hot appointment of medical examination institutions

11/13/2020, 6:44:46 AM

  China News Online, November 13th (Chen Jing and Xu Lanqing) "Today, I came to the medical examination, but I did not expect so many people! An epidemic has made me even more aware of the importance of health. Now I have an individual examination to better understand Your own body is also responsible for yourself and your family!" Mr. Zhang, 30, told reporters on the 13th.   It is understood tha

  China News Online, November 13th (Chen Jing and Xu Lanqing) "Today, I came to the medical examination, but I did not expect so many people! An epidemic has made me even more aware of the importance of health. Now I have an individual examination to better understand Your own body is also responsible for yourself and your family!" Mr. Zhang, 30, told reporters on the 13th.

  It is understood that recent appointments for physical examinations have been very popular on the WeChat appointment platforms of some medical examination centers and medical institutions in Shanghai.

According to a medical examination center here, most of the appointments before the end of December are full.

  Why is the medical examination so popular in November this year?

A person in charge of a medical examination center in a Shanghai hospital told reporters that the flow of people for physical examinations in November today has increased significantly compared with previous years.

The new crown pneumonia epidemic is the main cause.

Affected by the epidemic, there was a backlog of physical examinations for many groups and individuals in the first half of the year. They basically scheduled for the second half of the year; coupled with the wave of recruitment at the end of the year and the increase in public health awareness, the burden on physical examination institutions is not small.

This year's Double 11, e-commerce medical examination and medical sales are booming, and the number of medical examinations has increased sharply.

  In this physical examination center, the reporter saw that there was an endless stream of people coming for the physical examination. Everyone wore masks throughout the process. Under the guidance of the staff, they queued up, scanned codes, measured body temperature, registered...


Ms. Wang, who led the medical examination, told reporters that she is the person in charge of the company and the company regularly arranges employee medical examinations every year.

Worrying about the rebound of the epidemic this year, I decided to advance the time for employee medical examinations to mid-November.

She said that this year it feels more difficult to make appointments for physical examinations than in previous years. In the past, appointments were made half a month in advance. This year, they need to be made one and a half months earlier.

  In a number of medical examination centers, reporters have seen that in order to meet the requirements of epidemic prevention and control and scientifically respond to the medical examinations of large passenger flows, the medical examination centers have posted warm reminders about medical examinations, safe distances in line, and notification of medical examination content and precautions.

According to the medical examination center of a hospital, the hospital has drawn a medical examination team composed of clinical, nursing, and medical technicians from the outpatient department to make full use of existing equipment to serve the medical examiners.

  The reporter learned during the interview that in recent years, with the development of the economy and the improvement of the quality of life, people are paying more and more attention to oral health issues. Stomatology expert Wang Ying told reporters that nowadays, with the popularization of oral knowledge and the requirements for self-image, young people are on the rise in purchasing dental veneers, porcelain teeth and other cosmetic items, and some young people are still suffering from tooth loss. Of parents purchase dental implants. At present, with the rise of e-commerce, oral health services are moving towards new models such as personalization and customization. However, Wang Ying emphasized that epidemic prevention and control are normalized, and dental projects must be carried out in regular hospitals and operated by professional doctors to ensure that there is no cross-infection in disinfection. (Finish)