Teller Report

Coronavirus: a boon for air purifier companies

11/13/2020, 9:42:15 AM

A new solution is more and more talked about to fight against Covid-19: air purifiers. They are already appearing in companies and would be a hope for all the closed places that have closed their doors. Report in Brittany, near Brest, in a company specializing in air conditioning and heating. & Nbsp;

A new solution is being talked about more and more to fight against Covid-19: air purifiers.

They are already appearing in companies and would be a hope for all the closed places that have closed their doors.

Report in Brittany, near Brest, in a company specializing in air conditioning and heating. 

What if air purifiers could fight the coronavirus?

This is what declared Thursday, Laurent Wauquiez, the president of the most affected region of France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, at the microphone of Europe 1. In companies, prototypes are even already created.

Like at ETT, a company specializing in air conditioning and heating, near Brest, in Brittany.  

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Here, we are building the "Anti-Covid Terminator".

It is a revolutionary air purifier on wheels, 100 kilos and 2 meters high, which has a new microorganism killer composed of six UV lamps.

"The virus will arrive at the UV lamps, a flash reaction will in fact destroy the DNA of the virus and prevent it from reproducing", explains Gaël Le Noret, research and development project manager at ETT, "That maybe the Covid, it could be the flu, today we see this second wave which is there, we have to find solutions, we would like it to come out as quickly as possible ". 

Developed in just five months 

Second stage of the rocket: a HEPA filter, known as an "absolute filter".

It would be the most efficient in the world, according to the CEO of the company, Yves Millot.

“We have 99.95% of particles larger than 0.1 micron that are picked up by the machine. This means that the air that comes out of the machine has been completely purified for the user. The density of the virus in the machine is air, which is the source of contamination, is decreasing, ”he explains. 



- Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Friday, November 13

And this prototype was developed in record time: just 5 months.

The primary targets of the purifier of this Breton company are classrooms, cinemas, factories and even shopping centers.