Teller Report

Containment: how can shutdowns prevent bankruptcy?

11/13/2020, 6:11:52 PM

Friday, in `` La France bouge '', & nbsp; Nathalie Carré, in charge of entrepreneurship at the chamber of commerce and industry, recalled the importance for companies deprived of activity due to confinement to maintain a connecting with customers, while considering how best to improve the day-to-day functioning of the business. & nbsp;

On Friday, in "La France bouge", Nathalie Carré, in charge of entrepreneurship at the chamber of commerce and industry, recalled the importance for companies deprived of activity due to confinement to maintain a link with customers, while considering how best to improve the day-to-day operations of the business 

Since the start of the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, some companies have been very affected by the restrictions put in place.

While the activity of some is at a complete standstill, professionals therefore fear bankruptcy, especially since no reopening date has yet been announced.

But solutions exist to try to avoid the worst, recalled Friday Nathalie Carré, in charge of entrepreneurship at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), guest of 

La France bouge.

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"This is not the first crisis that companies can experience", recalls Nathalie Carré, referring in particular to a study carried out over three periods of very strong recession, and from which emerges that there is one method more effective than the others " to avoid bankruptcy. This method, she specifies, develops a two-fold approach: first, "optimize operational efficiency", and secondly "invest in marketing". 

Optimize resources

Regarding operational efficiency, we must see "how we can improve our processes, to eliminate all unnecessary tasks, or digitize a certain number of tasks and save time".

Nathalie Carré specifies that "it is not to eliminate positions, but to optimize resources". 

In the case of a gym for example, Natalie Carré therefore advises managers and their employees to "take a sheet and a pen, list the current missions, which corresponds to her position (call customers, coach them) ".

Then to "list everything we do to regulate dysfunctions (a client who does not come to his class, a client who has lost his record)".

Finally, she adds, "you list all the activities that could create potential tomorrow (training in a new coaching technique, discussing with a manufacturer of more efficient machines)". 

"Your efficiency will come from the elimination of all the dysfunctional activities", says Nathalie Carré, who also recommends to "check that all the current missions are well assigned to the right people". 


Find all the shows of La France bouge in replay and podcast here

Think loyalty and bond with the customer

On the marketing side, "we must not think about margin, but think about loyalty and connection with the customer".

Also, advises Nathalie Carré, even if the gym is closed, to continue using the same example, "continue to talk to your clients, offer distance learning courses, issue newsletters".

Through all of these initiatives, "it is absolutely necessary to maintain the link with customers to retain them, to ensure that they come back afterwards and especially that they recommend you to their friends, in order to increase turnover tomorrow".