Teller Report

[Friendly Economy]'No Mask' now fined... Q&A by case

11/13/2020, 1:23:57 AM

Friendly Economy Reporter Kwon Ae-ri is here again. Reporter Kwon, because of Corona 19, if you don't wear a mask, you will be fined. Yes, starting today, you can be fined up to 100,000 won.


Friendly Economy Reporter Kwon Ae-ri is also on the 13th.

Reporter Kwon, because of Corona 19, if you don't wear a mask, you're going to be fined, and you've been giving it for a month, but that ended yesterday?


Yes, starting today, you can be fined up to 100,000 won.

For the past month, it was a guiding period, so even if there were people who didn't wear a mask properly because they needed it, they only gave attention to the crackdown and let them go, but in the future, they will be fined.

There are 23 types of facilities that the government must separately manage in relation to coronavirus, where it must be used.

You must use it when you go to places like this.

There are places where sales were completely restricted when raising the level of social distancing.

You can assume that all such places are in.

There are five entertainment venues such as clubs, karaoke rooms, and restaurants and cafes that are more than 150 square meters wide.

It also includes places like wedding halls, academies, movie theaters, and PC rooms.

In addition to these twenty-three facilities, this applies not only to public transportation such as buses and subways, but also to medical institutions such as hospitals, pharmacies, and when going to assemblies or demonstrations.

Even outdoors.

Anyway, it would be comfortable if you think that it is better not to take it off outside of the house.

Besides, these are places set by the central government, and each local government can add them to it.

In the case of Seoul city, masks are used in most indoor and outdoor spaces.

Nationally, if you're outdoors, you don't have to use it when you say that you can keep more than 2 meters apart from others.

You might think about going hiking, jogging in the park, or something like this.

However, the city of Seoul stipulates that even outdoors, you should not take off your mask on the streets of the city.


However, if a mask is worn on the ear but is not properly worn, such cases are also subject to crackdown.


Yes, it is called'Tuxk', and this is also subject to crackdown.

If you are caught wearing a tux, even if you quickly rewrite it, it may be after a penalty has already been imposed.

Not only is the tuxedo with a mask over the chin, but also the condition where the mouth is covered but the nose is not covered.

It is made of mesh, or there is a so-called'valve mask'.

Opening the lid in front.

It was also determined that this was not a mask that was properly used for quarantine and was also subject to fines.

And look at the clear plastic shield around the mouth.

I see it in a restaurant or something.

You can use this, but not just this.

Wearing this alone and not wearing a mask may also be subject to fines.

However, you can use a cotton mask. In principle, it is correct to use a KF mask that says'Quasi-drugs' on the packaging, but a disposable mask made from industrial products that has not been approved is also okay.

However, if you do not have a separate mask, and you cover your mouth by pulling up a scarf or neck, this is not allowed.

However, restaurants and cafes are also included in facilities that can be penalized.

When you eat, you will have to take it off.

But I am telling you to always use it outside of the time.

When you enter, when you go out, when you place an order, and when you place an order and wait for food, you have to wear a mask.

In addition, the company does not have to wear a mask during lunchtime and brushing teeth or during such personal hygiene periods, but the company has set guidelines to keep wearing a mask from the changing room.


But, like children, are there some exceptions?


Yes, parents are most concerned about this, but if you wear a mask properly until the age of 14 and forget it, you are not subject to a fine.

I decided to make it an exception.

In principle, it's okay to take off your mask to smoke.

Because tobacco is considered a favorite food and is treated in the same standard as food.

I think it's a restaurant standard.

However, in the case of cigarettes, it would be natural to apply only in places where smoking is allowed.

And there is a job to take pictures, but if it's not my home, it's a rule to wear a mask and take pictures.

In principle, it is not permitted to take off the mask for photographs in places where it is mandatory to wear a mask, except for the bride and groom at the wedding hall or at the awards ceremony.

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