Teller Report

"We are the sacrifices of the crisis": the rant of restaurateur Yves Camdeborde

11/13/2020, 6:36:31 AM

Restaurateur Yves Camdeborde denounces on Friday the disastrous situation of restaurateurs who are, according to him, left behind in the health crisis due to the coronavirus. He clearly asked the government to support professionals in the sector by taking up the measures proposed by Bruno Le Maire. & Nbsp;

Restaurateur Yves Camdeborde denounces on Friday the disastrous situation of restaurateurs who are, according to him, left behind in the health crisis due to the coronavirus.

He clearly asked the government to support professionals in the sector by taking up the measures proposed by Bruno Le Maire. 

"We are the sacrifices of the crisis", loose Yves Camdeborde, resigned.

The famous restaurateur, reached this morning by phone in the morning of Europe 1, expressed his dissatisfaction with the measures taken by the government to deal with the coronavirus. 

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"The Prime Minister did say that it would be irresponsible to open restaurants because we are places where the virus is spreading. Me, I want to hear it because I am not a scientist, I am only a cook ", he conceded.

But he then called on the government to "also take its responsibilities". 

"The layoffs have already started"

"We are companies and we will have five months of closure over a year, we will have worked halfway," he explained.

It asks for the establishment of real support for restaurateurs. 



- Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Friday, November 13

And for good reason, the restaurateur describes a chaotic situation in the area.

"The layoffs have already started, it's a human and financial disaster. And if the government does not put in place all the aid that Bruno Le Maire offers in relation to the lessor, we find that very intelligent but that it does not do than proposing it that it impose it and put it in place. It is our survival, for us, the French SMEs "