Teller Report

Politicians denounce a "conspiratorial" documentary on the Covid-19

11/12/2020, 2:27:02 PM

This documentary funded by online jackpots denounces a global conspiracy around the Covid-19 pandemicSeveral majority politicians on Thursday condemned the - Michele Sawada / Sipa USA / SIPA “Mind-blowing” and “conspiratorial”. This Thursday, several political leaders of La République en Marche condemned the documentary "Hold-Up". Just released on the Internet and funded by online jackpots, this 2:40 documentary brings together a galaxy of skeptics and experts of all kinds vigorously attacking th

Several majority politicians on Thursday condemned the -

Michele Sawada / Sipa USA / SIPA

“Mind-blowing” and “conspiratorial”.

This Thursday, several political leaders of La République en Marche condemned the documentary "Hold-Up".

Just released on the Internet and funded by online jackpots, this 2:40 documentary brings together a galaxy of skeptics and experts of all kinds vigorously attacking the measures taken against the Covid-19 crisis, until the final explanation of A global conspiracy and a "global manipulation business" surrounding the pandemic would be the focus.

"This is not a docu, this is not journalism, this is budget blockbuster conspiratorial propaganda.

Shamefully endorsed by a few wandering politicians, ”denounces the deputy president of LREM deputies Coralie Dubost, on Twitter.

According to her colleague "walker" Laetitia Avia, the film takes "fake news on fake news.


We could laugh about it if the situation were not so serious ”.

"Attention Fake news conspirator"

The Minister of Public Accounts Olivier Dussopt also retweets a series of messages deciphering this "delusional" documentary.

"Attention conspiratorial fake news", also warns the deputy and former secretary of state in charge of digital Mounir Mahjoubi (LREM), who calls for the "resignation" of the deputy Martine Wonner (Freedom and Territories group), one of the speakers of the film.

“We receive multiple messages around the film Hold-Up.

People who are in a real denial of reality, in a conspiracy movement and who seriously think that all this (the epidemic) has been fabricated, ”testifies the president of the Agir Ensemble group Olivier Becht, an ally of the majority.

The producer describes a "virus no more offensive than another"

In a column published on the FranceSoir site, the producer of the documentary Christophe Cossé describes the Covid-19 as a "virus no more offensive than another seasonal Covid" and castigates an "authoritarian health ideology" which wants "to force a society to monitoring and submission ”.

He attacks "an incredible and phenomenal global manipulation enterprise" and members of the Scientific Council, whom they consider "mostly close to pharmaceutical laboratories".

One of the speakers of the film, the former LREM deputy Martine Wonner, had already been controversial on several occasions by estimating that the wearing of the mask “is strictly useless” or by asking in the hemicycle the difference between the Covid and "A huge flu".

There also appears the controversial infectious disease specialist Christian Perronne, already criticized by the Ministry of Health for throwing "discredit" on health professionals.

Douste-Blazy distances itself, Sophie Marceau joins

Also interviewed, the former Minister of Health Philippe Douste-Blazy distanced himself on Twitter on Wednesday: "I have not seen this film and if there is any conspiracy, I mean as clearly as possible that I dissociate myself from it.

The health crisis we are going through is serious enough not to add confusion to the painful moments we are living ”.

Actress Sophie Marceau caused controversy on social networks by posting the film poster on her Instagram account.


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  • Health

  • Coronavirus

  • Covid 19

  • Fake news

  • LREM

  • Documentary

  • Conspiracy theory

  • Conspiracy

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