Teller Report

Spain reaches 40,000 dead with the pending task of accounting for this figure, after successive readjustments

11/11/2020, 5:59:44 PM

Almost two months later with numbers of infections, deaths and hospitalizations in continuous growth, Spain has today reached 40,000 deaths from coronavirus. From e

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Almost two months later with numbers of infections, deaths and hospitalizations in continuous growth,

Spain has today reached 40,000 deaths from coronavirus


Since September 14, the number of deaths from coronavirus in Spain has not dropped below a hundred, even reaching 200 deaths on the same day, as happened on Monday, November 2, the 3rd with 213 and the 4th with 223.

According to the Carlos III Institute of Madrid and its Daily Mortality Monitoring System (MoMo), the country has had two periods of excess mortality: from March 10 to May 9 and from July 20 to November 3.

This means that the number of deaths observed is greater than the estimated.

In the first period, at the national level there were 44,592 more deaths than those estimated, that is,

there was an excess mortality of 66.9%


The second period, the most current, has had 16,233 more deaths than estimated, which

represents a 15.4% excess mortality


In total, 60,825 more people have died than estimated in the period between March 10 and November 3.

In both periods, the excess mortality is higher in women than in men: 72% compared to 67% of men in the first period and 20% compared to 17% of men in the second.

In both cases,

the excess is concentrated in the age groups over 74 and between 65 and 74 years


In addition, with the readjustment made by Health last Wednesday, November 4 with the death figures,

1,623 deaths were added in their entirety to the country

, but this variation has not affected only the dates closest to the present.

Health has added deaths from March 12 to November 2, despite the fact that in the note published on November 4 about this readjustment, it was mentioned that the information that had been used until May 10 would be replaced .

However, of the total cases added in the last report (1,431), 859 have been added in the period between March 11 and May 10 included, and 572 have been included in the period between May 11 and November 2 included.

The months with the most deaths added to the registry were April, with 604 new deaths, and June with 243.

The big changes have occurred in Catalonia and Madrid

, the main centers of the pandemic, with 269,999 and 324,203 total cases respectively.

Catalonia is the autonomous community that has added the most deaths with the readjustment.

In total, it has added

1,037 deaths

(1,040 in the summation).

Of that total, 1,005 have been added to the figures of the first wave of infections, that is, from March 11, where they add 1 more deceased, until June 20, where they add 2 more.

The date where they add more deaths - 30 specifically - is April 10.

In total, in that month Catalonia added 638 more deaths than it had already reported.

While in Catalonia everything has been sums, in Madrid there have also been subtractions in deaths.

The capital begins to subtract on March 15.

In total,

Madrid has removed 30 deaths from covid

in the period from March 15 to May 23.

On the other hand, counting on the figures that have been removed in this latest report, of the total of 289 that include (309 in the sum), 243 are added to the first wave of infections.

The case of Murcia is also striking, since, in the latest Health report,

deaths in the region become 0 until June 8

, where it adds 1. The next reported death is July 1 and until August 11 does not begin to add more frequently.

In other words, with these data, if a summation of the difference of the new data is made,

Murcia subtracts 131 deaths from its registry

, which is not reflected in the total summation published by Health in its last report, where the region would register 18 more deaths.

For its part, Aragon is one of the communities that has only added deaths in the last five days, from October 30 to Wednesday November 4.

Previous data has not changed.

Ceuta and Melilla follow in his footsteps: each autonomous city has added a case to its records.

In the first case, the death is on October 13, and in the second, on October 29.

In the case of Melilla, the summation reports three more cases instead of one.

Asturias, the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, the Canary Islands and La Rioja have also added deaths with the readjustment.

However, they are the only autonomous communities that have not added them in the last month.

The Balearic Islands is, of the four, the one that has updated the "most recent" date: the last update was of July 17, with one more deceased.

The oldest update he has is from March 26, with one more deceased and two less the next day.

In the case of Asturias and the Canary Islands, the oldest corrected data is in April: 11 in the first case and 9 in the second.

Asturias has added until July 1, and the Canary Islands until a month before, June 1, both dates with one more deceased.

La Rioja, for its part, the oldest data that it has modified is from May 6, adding 3 more cases at the end of June and the beginning of July, with 4 being the last update date.

After this readjustment, the reports of the following days added more deaths to dates of previous months.

Specifically, from the report published on Wednesday, November 4 to last Friday, the 6th,

there has been an increase of 437 more deaths to the dates already published on Wednesday

(with data up to November 3).

In addition, in this latest report 239 more deaths are reported between the following two days, a figure that increases with the data of this past Monday, where 363 deaths are added between November 4 and 5, that is, 124 more people than were included on Friday.

Of these 124 new deaths that are added after the weekend, the autonomous community that has added the most has been Andalusia with 35. The next community is Castilla y León with 22 more.

The only autonomous communities that did not add new deaths are Asturias, the Canary Islands, Cantabria and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

On this occasion, Madrid and Catalonia, the autonomous communities that experienced the greatest increase due to the readjustment, only added 6 and 9 deaths respectively from Friday to Monday, November 9.

In the report published on Tuesday 10, the autonomous communities have added a total of 390 deaths, of which 343 have been added to the data of the last week.

The oldest data that has changed has been on June 2, with one more deceased.

Of the total, the autonomous community that has had the most increase in this last day has been, as in Monday's session, Andalusia with 81 new deaths and Castilla y León with 46. However, in this last day the Basque Country with 72 more.

In total, from the date on which the data readjustment of deaths in Spain was published until this Tuesday, November 10 - a week later -

a total of 610 deaths have been added until November 3


According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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