Teller Report

Live voice (s) - L'INALCO, the Parisian Tower of Babel

11/11/2020, 3:45:30 PM

One address in Paris to learn 103 languages ​​from Yoruba to Siamese, from Persian to Mandingo, including Russian and literary Arabic: INALCO, the National Institute of Languages ​​and Civilizations ...

INALCO, the Parisian Tower of Babel

Audio 29:00

103: this is the number of languages ​​that can be learned at INALCO.

© Ateliers Lion Associés

By: Pascal Paradou

30 mins

A single address in Paris to learn 103 languages ​​from Yoruba to Siamese, from Persian to Mandingo, including Russian and literary Arabic: INALCO, the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations in Paris.



existed since 1795 and has been installed for a few years in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.

Guided tour of this institution with Pierre Lenhardt, Director General of INALCO Services and Sarah Cadorel, Archives Manager.

Report by

Marjorie Bertin


To read also:

 A Master Orality, offered at Inalco in Paris and intended for which audience?


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