Teller Report

In Nice, Estrosi tightens the screw against the coronavirus to "save Christmas"

11/11/2020, 4:32:50 PM

The mayor also asks the prefect to institute a new curfewThe blue chairs will be dismantled - SYSPEO / SIPA To avoid regroupings, the mayor of Nice announced that the foundations of the promenade des Anglais and some benches would be dismantled on Thursday. Christian Estrosi also calls for the establishment of a new curfew. Gone are the hours spent on the blue chairs. To prevent the containment measures from continuing during the Christmas holidays, the

The blue chairs will be dismantled -


  • To avoid regroupings, the mayor of Nice announced that the foundations of the promenade des Anglais and some benches would be dismantled on Thursday.

  • Christian Estrosi also calls for the establishment of a new curfew.

Gone are the hours spent on the blue chairs.

To prevent the containment measures from continuing during the Christmas holidays, the mayor (LR) of Nice announced on Wednesday that the foundations of the Promenade des Anglais and the benches of several strategic districts of the city would be dismantled on Thursday.

"There are still too many regroupings that must absolutely be avoided", justified the elected official.

Christian Estrosi also decided to set up a perimeter around the Liberation market to control access.

And he says he has asked the prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes for the establishment of a new curfew between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Solicited by



, the state services had not responded this Wednesday evening.

Seventy-two patients in sheaves in the Alpes-Maritimes

These new restrictions come to Nice as the Alpes-Maritimes department, which has the lowest incidence rate (361 cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants) in the entire Paca region (473 cases), has received patients of Vaucluse in particular.

And that the acceleration of the coronavirus epidemic seems to be marking time.

However, the figures exceed those of the first wave.

Tuesday, there were 72 people hospitalized in one of the resuscitation services of the department, against 63, at most, in the spring, recalled Professor Thierry Piche, vice-president of the University Hospital of Nice.

"No question of relaxing the measures now"

"The peak of this second wave could be reached in ten days, but there is no question of relaxing the measures now if we want to be able to preserve the activity for the Christmas holidays", supported the elected official, during a videoconference organized in the company of hospital managers and the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Paca.

Our file on the coronavirus

And what about checks on barrier gestures and compliance with confinement?

The mayor of Nice says he has noted "a cruel absence of the national police" from which he awaits an assessment of the action on Sunday evening.

The municipal police of Nice would have drawn up 1,406 minutes last month and 890 this month, of which 1,463 for offenses with the wearing of the mask and 425 for non-presentation of a derogatory certificate of displacement.


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  • Christian Estrosi

  • Coronavirus

  • Nice

  • Covid 19