Teller Report

Guangdong "Card Broken" Operation Killed 317 Black-and-Gray Production

11/11/2020, 10:06:24 AM

  [Explanation] The reporter learned from the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department on November 10 that the Guangdong police have arrested suspects involved in the "two-card" violations in the past one month since they launched a special operation against illegally opening and selling phone cards and bank cards (hereinafter referred to as "two cards"). More than 4,200, accumulatively int

  [Explanation] The reporter learned from the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department on November 10 that the Guangdong police have arrested suspects involved in the "two-card" violations in the past one month since they launched a special operation against illegally opening and selling phone cards and bank cards (hereinafter referred to as "two cards"). More than 4,200, accumulatively interviewed 47 key commercial banks and 7 key counties and districts involved in the case, punished more than 2,420 persons who disclosed untrustworthy bank cards, and publicly exposed a number of business outlets and industries with more “two cards” involved. Inner ghost".

  It is understood that the State Council’s Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Combating New Types of Illegal Crimes in Telecommunications Networks will be deployed nationwide from October 10, 2020 to combat, control, and punish illegal criminal gangs that sell phone cards and bank cards as the main content. "Broken Card" action.

  [Concurrent] Huang Run, Director of Payment and Settlement Division, Guangzhou Branch, People's Bank

  As of the end of October, the Guangdong Province (excluding Shenzhen) banking institutions have checked 6,038,800 existing corporate bank settlement accounts, 573 million personal accounts, and timely controlled 260,000 abnormal unit accounts and 1,705,100 personal bank accounts, and transferred them to the public security organs. There are 64,600 suspicious clues for unit accounts and 48,800 suspicious clues for personal accounts.

  [Explanation] The Guangdong police conducted a comprehensive tracing attack, rapid research and judgment, and rapid closure of the network. A total of 317 black and gray production gangs involving the "two cards" were destroyed and 617 criminal dens were destroyed.

The typical case reported by the police showed that from October 12 to 15, the Anti-fraud Center of Foshan City, Guangdong organized various sub-centers to strengthen intelligence research and judgment and conducted a comprehensive clean-up of the fraud card dens hidden in Foshan.

In the first wave of operations, the Chancheng and Nanhai Sub-centers eliminated 7 dens and arrested suspects such as Chen Moulu, Wu Moubin, Wu Moujie, Chen Moujie, and seized computers, cat pools, and cards on the spot. A batch of "card-raising" equipment such as pools, involving about 7,000 phone cards.

  [Concurrent] Chen Dahua, Deputy Squadron Chief of the Eighth Squadron, Interpol Brigade, Chancheng Branch, Public Security Bureau, Foshan City, Guangdong

  At that time, when we went to attack this den, we found that there were three or four people inside, mainly responsible for operating these cat pool equipment and using phone cards to raise cards. They wanted the operators to feel the cards they issued. Someone is actually using them, so they use these devices to make calls to each other, send text messages or run traffic, and run some traffic to feel that these cards are alive.

  [Explanation] The relevant person in charge of the Guangdong police said that various departments across the province will maintain a high-pressure and strict crackdown on illegal and criminal activities that sell phone cards and bank cards, and make every effort to cut off the black and gray industrial crime chain involving the "two cards" and fully carry out the case. The source of the "two-card" survival soil was governed, and the disciplinary measures for the personnel involved in the "two-card" were fully implemented, and the "broken card" operation was continuously promoted in depth to resolutely curb the high incidence of telecommunications network fraud crimes.

  (Reported by reporter Wei Jeff from Guangdong)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]