Teller Report

Caused nasty crash - suspended for nine months

11/11/2020, 11:59:45 AM

Dutch professional cyclist Dylan Groenewegen, who is believed to have caused the serious crash in which compatriot Fabio Jakobsen received life-threatening injuries, will be suspended for nine months.

"Groenewegen has cooperated in the investigation and agreed to be suspended until May 7, 2021," writes the International Cycling Union (UCI).

The suspension is calculated from the time of the accident and the Dutchman has not competed since.

Jakobsen sustained, among other things, serious head and face injuries in the accident during the sprint deal on the first stage of Poland around August.

The 23-year-old, who was crowded and flew over the fence where he collided with an official, was placed in an artificial coma, operated on for five hours and did not regain consciousness until two days later.

- I am very grateful to be alive, Jakobsen said after leaving the hospital.

CLIP: Dylan Groenewegen about the crash with Fabio Jakobsen (10 August 2020)

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Dylan Groenewegen about the crash with compatriot Fabio Jakobsen Photo: TT / AP

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