Teller Report

Bus driver refused to carry the elderly, suspended citizens: hope to solve problems based on

11/11/2020, 2:06:08 PM

  [Commentary] Recently, a video of "a bus driver who spoke too much, had a rude attitude, and refused to carry the elderly" in Jiaozuo, Henan Province was widely spread. On November 10, the reporter learned from the relevant person in charge of the Transportation Bureau of Jiaozuo City, Henan Province that the driver involved had stopped working and cooperated with the investigation. Many citizen

  [Commentary] Recently, a video of "a bus driver who spoke too much, had a rude attitude, and refused to carry the elderly" in Jiaozuo, Henan Province was widely spread.

On November 10, the reporter learned from the relevant person in charge of the Transportation Bureau of Jiaozuo City, Henan Province that the driver involved had stopped working and cooperated with the investigation.

Many citizens who have watched the video said: "The driver's attitude is too excessive, and I hope that both sides will solve the problem based on goodness."

  [Concurrent] Relevant person in charge of Jiaozuo City Transportation Bureau

  (The refusal happened) No. 8 and No. 9 were posted online.

First of all, our driver’s approach is definitely not right. We have suspended the driver now, and then we will investigate and deal with it until it is expelled.

In the next step, we will take this opportunity to reinforce the education of our entire public transport cadres and employees.

For the supervisors and managers that may be involved in the next step, we need to initiate some accountability.

  [Explanation] The Jiaozuo Public Transport Group reported on the incident that on the afternoon of November 8, the 24 bus arrived at the terminal Ningguo. When returning, an elderly person who took the bus to Ningguo and got off immediately asked for Re-board the bus, because the departure point is at the peak of the students returning to school, the passenger flow is large and the students carry a lot of items, the female driver wants to persuade her passengers to take the next bus, but she was too aggressive and had a rude attitude when she was dissuaded by the passengers present. Record the video and post it online.

  [Commentary] Citizens who have watched this video on their mobile phones told reporters that when young people are getting old, the drivers act too much.

The emergence of this problem cannot be resolved by dismissing the driver, but to find out the cause of the incident. It is hoped that both sides will solve the problem based on goodness.

  [Concurrent] Citizen Ms. Zhang

  I think it would be a bit too much. As a car rider, you are a person serving the public. You must consider many aspects and you must not discriminate against others. I think.

  [Concurrent] Ms. Citizen Division

  Put goodness first!

I think this person is too much. There is no old man in anyone's family. She will know it when she gets old.

Personal behavior, I think it is enough to criticize and educate, if it is expelled, it would be a bit (excessive).

  [Concurrent] Citizen Mr. Zhang

  It is impossible to say that after this incident, you can just fire the driver directly. This is not the case.

You must take love

  After the situation was clear, who was at fault and both parties went to apologize, basically nothing happened.

If you quit someone, it is not easy for them to find a job.

  [Explanation] Regarding the online saying that the elderly had committed some improper behavior when they took the bus before, the relevant person in charge of the Jiaozuo City Transportation Bureau said that there is no substantive evidence.

Then, if the behavior of the elderly riders is misbehaving, can the bus refuse to ride with such a person?

  [Concurrent] Relevant person in charge of Jiaozuo City Transportation Bureau

  Ordinarily, no one can refuse to upload.

Our regulations do not say that it can be rejected.

  Reporter Li Chaoqing from Henan

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]

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