Teller Report

Affected by the new crown epidemic, Czech Zoo launches paid feeding activities

11/11/2020, 11:00:25 AM

On November 10, local time, animals were eating in the zoo in Prague, Czech Republic. According to reports, in order to maintain the livelihood of the zoo, the Prague Zoo launched a new fundraising activity to pay for feeding animals. Caring people can buy meal coupons and experience the feeling of being a zoo keeper. Release time: 2020-11-11 18:48:33 【Editor: Li Peiyun】

On November 10, local time, animals were eating in the zoo in Prague, Czech Republic.

According to reports, in order to maintain the livelihood of the zoo, the Prague Zoo launched a new fundraising activity to pay for feeding animals. Caring people can buy meal coupons and experience the feeling of being a zoo keeper.

Release time: 2020-11-11 18:48:33 【Editor: Li Peiyun】