Teller Report

"The medical headquarters is studying the issue": Cherchesov about tests for COVID-19, calling Chalov and replacing Dzyuba

11/11/2020, 8:35:39 PM

The medical headquarters of the Russian national team is studying the issue of participation in the match with Moldova of football players, whose tests for coronavirus were questionable. Head coach Stanislav Cherchesov announced this during a press conference. The specialist also told why only Fedor Chalov was called on an emergency basis, assessed the playing condition of Denis Cheryshev and Alexei Miranchuk and answered who could replace Artyom Dzyuba in the starting lineup.

The day before the test match with the national team of Moldova, the head coach of the Russian national team Stanislav Cherchesov held an official press conference.

The main topic for discussion was the situation with dubious tests for coronavirus, which several representatives of the team passed at once.

Among them were Dynamo's flanking midfielder Daniil Lesovoy, Zenit's attacking midfielder Alexander Erokhin, and Sochi's forward Anton Zabolotny, whose participation in the game was in doubt.

It is noted that questionable results were shown by tests taken from football players by a UEFA-accredited laboratory, while the other five were negative.

Coupled with the fact that all the players have no symptoms of the disease, their performance in the match with Moldova is still possible.

Nevertheless, the Russian national team decided to play it safe and call another striker.

So, from the youth team to the main team, the forward of CSKA Fyodor Chalov was transferred.

“First, we called 24 people.

The experience of the last training camp showed that the situation can be different.

The test today showed that three players cannot participate.

Why one Chalov?

We cannot call players who have not passed the UEFA test.

We have one player left - Sobolev.

Zabolotny and Erokhin, whom we planned to put forward, fell out.

Chalov was summoned.

I phoned

Galaktionov (Mikhail, head coach of the Russian youth team -


), he still has Ignatiev.

Our medical headquarters is now studying the issue of tests, because those that we did after that gave a negative result, "explained Cherchesov.

It should be noted that the opportunity to urgently replenish the squad presented itself because both national teams train at the base in Novogorsk and pass the same tests.

Otherwise, Cherchesov would have to bypass the clip of football players he had.

“We have not thought about the coronavirus before.

I have played on this base since the age of 14 in all national teams ... We work with the youth team on neighboring fields.

Sometimes I watch the youth train.

We are in touch with Galaktionov.

We can support each other.

I didn't want to pull the players out of the youth team, but it turned out like this.

Good luck to Galaktionov in the upcoming matches, ”Cherchesov said.

It is not the first time that the Russian national team has faced serious problems due to the coronavirus.

So, a month ago, Cherchesov's squad was also forced to compensate for the absence in the composition of football players who passed positive tests for COVID-19.

Then the mentor could not count on Mario Fernandez, Giorgi Jikia and Marinato Guilherme.

And on the eve of the meeting with Moldova, Anton Shunin was unhooked from the team.

“The test, to which you have nothing to do, shows that someone has dropped out.

If these were muscles, I would say that we did something wrong.

And this is how we plan our work.

We are unable to control the tests.

Lesovoy, Zabolotny and Erokhin trained like this yesterday ... And then they say that they are sick.

Karavaev couldn't catch up with Zabolotny, ”Cherchesov admitted.

The questions also touched upon the absence of one of its leaders in the national team - Artem Dziuba.

In connection with the situation around the Zenit striker, Cherchesov decided not to call him to the November matches and thereby not only protected the athlete from increased attention, but got the opportunity to experiment with the composition.

At the same time, the mentor did not reveal his cards as to whether the game scheme would change in the absence of the main forward and who would wear the captain's armband.

“We had both Zabolotny and Sobolev here.

Today Chalov has successfully joined the team.

It's still day for us.

We will still study the opponent.

We will do what is right.

One player is eliminated - he must be changed.

Everyone brings something different.

We must give the opportunity to show ourselves, "- said Cherchesov.

In general, even before the situation with Dzyuba arose, the composition of the Russian national team for the upcoming matches could be called experimental.

The meeting with Moldova can become a debut not only for the aforementioned Lesovoy, but also for Igor Diveev, Roman Evgeniev, Dmitry Zhivoglyadov, Ivan Oblyakov and Konstantin Kuchaev.

So, Cherchesov shared his impression of the recruits and stressed that each player needs a certain time to adapt to the national team.

“Experience suggests that someone a little earlier, someone a little later finds himself.

Chalov used to feel uncomfortable.

Today it is clear that our footballer.

Time is needed.

Karavaev was at the first training camp ... Now he has changed.

Understood, talked, done, called.

The players are pouring in.

Sometimes a person plays well in the club, but he is not seen in the national team.

Sometimes they feel uncomfortable for a while.

And someone does not join at all.

But after the first failures, we do not give up on the player, ”the specialist assured.

Speaking about the future rival, Cherchesov drew particular attention to the figure of the head coach of the Moldavian team, Engin Firat.

The mentor is known for his work in Turkey and Iran, and at the dawn of his career he managed to work as an assistant in the German "Eintracht" and "Rot Weiss".

“I know their coach, he is also German speaking.

We saw several games of the Moldovans: both with the French and with the Icelanders.

We know their system.

They called in several experienced players.

It is a pity that there will be no spectators.

This worries them and us.

We dismantled our game with Turkey yesterday.

Moments that should provide food for thought.

The players saw good and bad action.

Naturally, we looked a little and Moldova.

Upon arrival, we will see more, give full information to the players, ”said the mentor.

At the same time, Cherchesov noted that the meeting with Moldova is not inferior in importance to the games of the League of Nations, and also explained how he would recruit the squad for the test match.

“Whoever is better prepared tomorrow will be on the field.

Someone has been playing in the Champions League for several weeks in a row, someone less.

Both Cheryshev and Miranchuk are getting game practice.

Therefore, you need to prepare as much as possible.

We will approach each game specifically.

If the conditional Karavaev is ready, he will play.

No - it won't, ”said Cherchesov.

At the same time, the specialist answered how he assesses the playing form of Denis Cheryshev and Alexey Miranchuk, and also shared his opinion on the latest results of the legionnaires of Valencia and Atalanta.

“Cheryshev played with Real Madrid from the first minutes.

They won 4: 1.

He arrived in much better condition than at that training camp.

Alexey came out on 30 minutes of the last.

He brought the team a draw, scoring a great ball.

But clubs are clubs, ”the mentor concluded.