Teller Report

"Saudi hashtag" motivates Al-Nassr to sign Cristiano Ronaldo

11/11/2020, 12:30:13 PM

Italian media revealed that Juventus club wanted to sell its first star, Cristiano Ronaldo (35 years), during the upcoming summer transfers due to his high salary, before the Portuguese star became a "trend" in social networking sites in Saudi Arabia, due to the desire of the Saudi victory fans to cooperate

"Saudi hashtag" motivates Al-Nassr to sign Cristiano Ronaldo

Italian media revealed that Juventus club wanted to sell its first star, Cristiano Ronaldo (35 years), during the upcoming summer transfers due to his high salary, before the Portuguese star became a "trend" in social networking sites in Saudi Arabia, due to the Saudi audience's desire to sign the best player in The world 5 times.

The hashtag # Ronaldo_Nasrawi topped the social networking site "Twitter" in Saudi Arabia, amid great demands from the "global" audience to include the Portuguese player.

Despite Ronaldo's assurances that he would like to stay in the European leagues for the longest possible period of time, the Saudi Al-Nasr fans hope that the club's management will conclude a historic deal in world football.

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