Teller Report

Hong Kong companies actively participate in CIIE, the number of participating companies increases by

11/10/2020, 9:05:49 AM

  [Explanation] The 3rd China International Import Expo was grandly held in Shanghai. This Expo attracted many Hong Kong companies to actively participate. It is understood that about 240 Hong Kong companies will participate in the CIIE in 2020, an increase of about 20% compared with last year.   On November 8th, in the service trade exhibition area, the reporter learned that Nanyang Commercial B

  [Explanation] The 3rd China International Import Expo was grandly held in Shanghai. This Expo attracted many Hong Kong companies to actively participate.

It is understood that about 240 Hong Kong companies will participate in the CIIE in 2020, an increase of about 20% compared with last year.

  On November 8th, in the service trade exhibition area, the reporter learned that Nanyang Commercial Bank arranged a number of small forums of various forms and full of dry goods during the entire period of the CIIE, focusing on the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the characteristic finance of the Greater Bay Area, and cross-border Business and other hot topics shared industry trends, bringing a rich financial feast to exhibitors.

  [Concurrent] Cheng Zeyu, Vice Chairman and President of Nanyang Commercial Bank (China) Co., Ltd.

  If we participate in the CIIE this year, in addition to providing traditional services in the past, we have a lot of innovations and highlights in the construction of venues and interaction with customers. Our venues are larger and have more technological elements. Now, it is more modern, and there are various forms of interaction with customers, such as forums, signing, experience sharing, customer discussions, and our partners to participate.

  [Explanation] Talking about more Hong Kong companies participating in the CIIE this year, Cheng Zeyu said that this reflects that Hong Kong companies hope to seize this golden opportunity to promote Hong Kong's high-quality products and professional services to the huge mainland market.

If Hong Kong companies can integrate into the country's development and actively take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Mainland to vigorously develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the "One Belt One Road" initiative, they will certainly be able to better seize this historical opportunity and explore more business opportunities.

  In the consumer goods exhibition area, a Hong Kong exhibitor admitted that the Hong Kong economy has been in a downturn since last year. They have signed up for the CIIE this year, hoping to use the platform of the CIIE to open up the domestic market and promote the development of their own enterprises.

In response to the question of what changes China’s “14th Five-Year Plan” will bring to Hong Kong’s future economic development, Hong Kong exhibitors expressed that they are very helpful to the promotion of Hong Kong’s economy, and they are confident that they will work hard for corporate development in accordance with the plan.

  [Concurrent] Hong Kong exhibitors

  Because now I personally feel that Hong Kong’s economy is relatively sluggish, and because of the “Hong Kong independence” troubles that have been caused before, the economy is also sluggish, so I personally feel that the "14th Five-Year Plan" is very important for Hong Kong’s economy and recovery. It is helpful, and I hope that for our company, it will achieve a greater effect of assistance.

  [Explanation] Many Hong Kong exhibitors who participated in the CIIE for the first time said frankly that they are very confident backed by the country. The CIIE will broaden their horizons and feel the huge market opportunities in China.

  [Concurrent] Hong Kong exhibitors

  The CIIE is a very good platform linking the world, allowing us to discover more business opportunities and better products. I hope we can seize the opportunity at this CIIE.

  Zhang Jian Shanghai Report

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]