Teller Report

Decryption - United States: Joe Biden's program

11/9/2020, 6:50:49 PM

After nearly four days of suspense, Democrat Joe Biden was elected the 46th President of the United States on Saturday.

United States: Joe Biden's program

Audio 19:30

Joe Biden waves to the crowd of his supporters gathered in Wilmington on the evening of the announcement of the US presidential results, November 7, 2020. AP Photo / Carolyn Kaster

By: Romain Auzouy

21 min

After nearly four days of suspense, Democrat Joe Biden was elected the 46th President of the United States on Saturday.


While the outgoing Donald Trump still refuses to acknowledge his defeat and multiplies legal remedies, Joe Biden has already established his four priorities: fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, economic reconstruction, racial justice and the fight against global warming.

The gear change promises to be spectacular.

Joe Biden intends to pose as a "unifier".

How do you get there in an America that is so divided today?

And abroad how to appease the multiple tensions fueled by Donald Trump?


François Durpaire

, historian specializing in the United States and lecturer at the University of Cergy-Pontoise, author of the book

The United States for Dummies

(First editions).


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  • United States

  • Joe biden

  • Donald trump

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