Teller Report

Debate of the day - Can France make people understand and accept their conception of secularism?

11/9/2020, 6:50:55 PM

Appeasement. This is the watchword of the French authorities since anti-French demonstrations in several countries and cities of the Muslim world. In question the republication by Charlie Hebdo of the ca…

Can France get people to understand and accept its conception of secularism?

Audio 29:30

Santons nurseries in Provence are one of the exceptions to the rules on secularism Creative commons / Daniel Ferrier

By: Guillaume Naudin Follow

31 min


This is the watchword of the French authorities since anti-French demonstrations in several countries and cities of the Muslim world.

In question the republication by Charlie Hebdo of the cartoons of Mohammed and the support of the president for these cartoons during the national homage to the assassinated professor Samuel Paty.

To calm things down, and explain freedom of expression and French secularism, the Minister of Foreign Affairs was in Cairo this Sunday.

Emmanuel Macron had explained himself in interviews to Arab and also Anglo-Saxon media.

Can France get people to understand and accept its conception of secularism?

This is the question of the day.


To discuss it:

Valentine Zuber,

historian specializing in religions and international relations, director of studies at the Practical School of Advanced Studies, author of Laïcité en Debate: Beyond Received Ideas, published by Le Cavalier Bleu.

Ghaleb Bencheikh

, Islamologist, President of the Fondation de l'islam de France.

Florian Michel,

lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, co-author of the book “Diplomacy and religion: at the heart of France's cultural action in the 20th century”, published by the Sorbonne


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