Teller Report

Accents of Europe - Joe Biden's announced victory in the United States, a relief for Europe, but limited hopes

11/9/2020, 2:05:43 PM

After the long American night, a new day has dawned on the White House. President-elect Joe Biden is already preparing for the transition. And if the Europeans are extremely relieved by the victory ...

Joe Biden's announced victory in the United States, a relief for Europe, but limited hopes

Audio 19:30

EU leaders on Saturday congratulated Joe Biden on his election to the US presidency, calling for rebuilding a "solid partnership" with the United States after a conflicted relationship under Donald Trump's tenure.

REUTERS / John Thys

By: Juliette Rengeval Follow

23 min

After the long American night, a new day has dawned on the White House.

President-elect Joe Biden is already preparing for the transition.

And if the Europeans are extremely relieved by the announced victory of Joe Biden, they also know that they should not expect too much from the American ally.


In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel reacted very quickly and wants to relaunch the transatlantic relationship, damaged by four years of Trump's presidency.

A sign that a new era is opening up, she affirms that Germany is ready to face "world problems" "side by side" with the United States and that the European Union must take "more responsibility" alongside the United States.

Direction Berlin, where we meet

Julien Mechaussie


See also: 

The EU congratulates Joe Biden and wants to rebuild a “robust partnership” with the United States

He is one of the few leaders on the planet who has not yet congratulated Joe Biden on his election: Vladimir Poutine.

The Kremlin has indicated that the Russian president is awaiting the announcement of the official result of the presidential election in the United States to congratulate the winner, the victory of Joe Biden being contested by Donald Trump.

Other times!

In 2016, Vladimir Putin congratulated Donald Trump on his election just over an hour after US media projections had granted him victory.

It was the time when Moscow was accused of meddling in favor of the election of Donald Trump.

We had seen traces of Russian hackers, computer hackers, everywhere.

And today ?

Can we find their imprint on the 2020 American election?

Response from our correspondent in Moscow,

Jean Cassey


Also to listen:

 What will change (or not) between Europe and the United States?

Irish and British are particularly concerned about their relations with Washington


Most US presidents, from Bill Clinton to Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama, have played on family connections with Ireland to get elected or governed.

It must be said that nearly 36 million Americans claim Irish roots.

But this time, Joe Biden is the most Irish of presidents since John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

And in Dublin, we hoped for his victory, which would be much more favorable to Irish interests, in terms of taxation and Brexit.

Emeline Wine


Read also: 

View of London and Dublin, the election of Biden could be a game-changer for Brexit

What about the British?

They are traditionally very close to Americans.

The two English-speaking countries have a special relationship, a “Special Relationship”.

But today the press and social networks are wondering: will the friendly relationship between the United Kingdom of Boris Johnson with Donald Trump have consequences in the future?

Particularly today with the question of a trade agreement between London and Washington following Brexit.

Special Relationship is our column in a nutshell, with our correspondent in London,

Marie Billon



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  • USA Elections 2020

  • European Union

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