Teller Report

1500 students from Jiangxi No. 1 Middle School take the exam in the open air, the principal calls the Sunshine

11/9/2020, 12:38:49 PM

  On November 9, Shangrao, Jiangxi. One school held a mid-term exam, and about 1,500 students took the exam in an open space. President Yu said that the open-air examinations have been held for 3 years, as long as the weather is good, they will be taken like this, and they will be held two to three times a semester. The purpose is to cultivate students' habit of taking open examinations and being

  On November 9, Shangrao, Jiangxi.

One school held a mid-term exam, and about 1,500 students took the exam in an open space.

President Yu said that the open-air examinations have been held for 3 years, as long as the weather is good, they will be taken like this, and they will be held two to three times a semester.

The purpose is to cultivate students' habit of taking open examinations and being honest and honest, and eventually move towards unsupervised examinations.

(Edit Le Xiaomin)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]

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