Teller Report

Notebooks of the world 08.11.2020

11/8/2020, 1:35:55 PM

All over the world, reporters and correspondents from Europe 1 explore and recount the daily life of other cultures, their perception of current affairs and of our country. Long-format reports and fascinating guests. A sound journey to open the mind and discover the unknown.

All over the world, reporters and correspondents from Europe 1 explore and recount the daily life of other cultures, their perception of current affairs and of our country.

Long-format reports and fascinating guests.

A sound journey to open the mind and discover the unknown.

The United States more polarized than ever.

The ballot of Tuesday, November 3 and its interminable count, contested by the Republicans, show an America divided into two irreconcilable parties.

Reporting and decryption

In Belarus, the neighborhood revolution.

If the scale of the demonstrations against the maintenance in power of Alexander Lukashenko has diminished by force of police repression, resistance remains intense and is organized at the local level.

Exceptional and rare report, in a country completely closed for three months

Maternities around the world.

From the book by Ania Pamula and Dorothée Saada,

Moms of the world

, reflection on motherhood in the plural: there are almost as many births as there are cultures ... Zooms on the almost systematic cesarean sections in Brazil and on the difficult childbirth in Afghanistan, a country at war and one of the world's highest mortality rates for mothers and babies.

Reporting and decryption

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