Teller Report

International guest - Hubert Védrine: "The Democrats will want to reinstall the American leadership"

11/8/2020, 3:24:23 PM

What will Joe Biden's arrival at the White House change in America's relationship with those we call “its traditional allies”? To try to answer this question, RFI ...

Hubert Védrine: "The Democrats will want to reinstall the American leadership"

Audio 15:32

An American celebrates the victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in Berlin on November 7, 2020. Photo / Markus Schreiber

By: Jean-Baptiste Marot Follow

17 mins

What will Joe Biden's arrival at the White House change in America's relationship with those we call “its traditional allies”?

In an attempt to answer this question, RFI interviewed Hubert Védrine, former Minister of Foreign Affairs under Lionel Jospin. 


We must not be under any illusions, the Democrats will want to reinstall the American leadership.

So the right attitude

[on the European side]

is not to wait and see what they are going to do, but to ask what we want




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  • United States

  • Joe biden

  • Kamala harris