Teller Report

“Abu Ahmad” is unable to pay 33,000 dirhams in rental arrears

11/8/2020, 10:36:00 PM

(Abu Ahmed - 53 years old) is unable to pay 33,000 dirhams in rent arrears for his house, and the owner has filed a lawsuit against him, and his family of six is ​​threatened with expulsion, and he appeals to the people of good and merciful hearts to help him find the amount. (Abu Ahmed) said to “ Emirates Today »:« It was

The owner of the house filed a lawsuit against him

“Abu Ahmad” is unable to pay 33,000 dirhams in rental arrears

(Abu Ahmed - 53 years old) is unable to pay 33,000 dirhams in rent arrears for his home, and the owner has filed a lawsuit against him, and his family of six is ​​threatened with expulsion, and he appeals to the people of good and merciful hearts to help him find the amount.

Abu Ahmad told Emirates Today: “My financial condition has been stable over the past years, but my financial situation has worsened very much since April of last year, as my services have been terminated from the company in which I was working, and currently we do not have any stable source of income. , I have knocked on the doors of many government and private agencies, and I did not succeed in getting a new job opportunity that would help me find a stable income for my family members.

He added: “After my financial condition deteriorated, I was unable to pay rent arrears for the past and current two years, and I am threatened with eviction, as the owner of the house filed a lawsuit demanding me to pay the rent arrears amounting to 33,000 dirhams, and he demanded the full amount or else I will be imprisoned. In difficult financial circumstances that prevent securing this amount ».

He continued, "I have resorted to several agencies to help me solve my problem, but to no avail. I am afraid that my family will become without a breadwinner and support, especially since I am threatened with going to prison at any moment, in the event of non-payment of the rent arrears."

“Abu Ahmed” has been unemployed since April of last year, and his family consists of six members.