Teller Report

Hair removal, cockroach ... When "Koh-Lanta" pushes the limits of survival

11/7/2020, 4:26:36 PM

Living without a supermarket and without a nearby beauty salon, it forces the candidates of "Koh-Lanta" to compete in ingenuity

You may have to think about consulting a dermatologist after the show, Ava -

Screenshot / TF1

Do you dream of spending forty days away from your family?

Do you consider Denis Brogniart to be a god among men?

Showers, don't you care that much?

Maybe you are the perfect person to participate in the next

Koh-Lanta season


But beware, this is a decision that should not be taken lightly.

To win the competition, you already have to outlive others, which is no easy task, but you also have to engage in survival mode.

The adventurers of the season currently broadcast on TF1 are past masters in the matter, and are full of tips and tricks to best experience this imitation of confinement in the middle of the Fiji Islands.

The beauty trick: fire

Even Enjoyphoenix wouldn't have dared to do a beauty tutorial like this.

Still, taking care of yourself is not an activity to be overlooked on


when all you have to do with your day is collect firewood and sunbathe on the beach.

Based on this premise, Ava woke up with the firm intention of opening her beauty salon in Fiji.

The trick is simple: to avoid having underarms as full as men's beards after thirty days without shaving, the candidate took a piece of wood, heated it in the fire, and s armpits are burnt with it.

Courageous but not reckless, her comrades did not dare to take the plunge.

We understand them.

The gastro trick (nomie): the cockroach

Usually, what we find on the menu of the




comes down to rice, cassava and coconut.

Apart from Friday, when it's fish day for those who know how to handle the harpoon.

Aside from that, the adventurers would eat the sand to quench their hunger if they could.

Angelique does not admit defeat and has embarked on a more than doubtful snack break ...

The candidate from Hauts-de-Seine decided, in the eleventh episode, to cook a cockroach on a machete.

After all why not ?

It is well said that insects may be our meat of tomorrow.

From there to roasting a cockroach and enjoying it like a chip, there is only one step that we will not allow ourselves to take.

We still tell ourselves that it is always better than the rat that the adventurers of the southern tribe had caught in order to eat it at the start of the season.

Fortunately, they had finally released him back into the wild.

We hadn't gone far from Ratatouille.

The leisure tip: small holes

Alone on their island, it becomes difficult for adventurers to count the days that pass.

To confuse them, Denis Brogniart even wears a watch on his wrist which he disturbs.

Like a snub at the sadism of the host of the show, Loïc and Bertrand-Kamal have found a trick to quickly find out how long they have been shipwrecked.

"I'm making holes, little holes, more little holes".

The principle is as simple as the song: the two former members of the green tribe take a piece of wood which they heat, and pierce a hole in their sweater.

We will say that it is always better than using it to burn your armpit hair.


Sorry guys, this season the women are running the game in "Koh-Lanta"


By leaving the game without being eliminated, Bertrand-Kamal is part of the lineage of heroes

  • TF1

  • Beauty tutorial

  • Television

  • Koh Lanta

  • Survival