Teller Report

Villejuif abortive attack: Ahmed Ghlam sentenced to life imprisonment

11/5/2020, 9:23:59 PM

Sid Ahmed Ghlam was sentenced, Thursday, November 5, to life imprisonment for his attempted attack on a church in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) and for the murder of the professor ...

Villejuif abortive attack: Ahmed Ghlam sentenced to life imprisonment

A sketch of the audience made on October 5, 2020 shows Sid Ahmed Ghlam, during his trial in Paris.


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Sid Ahmed Ghlam was sentenced, Thursday, November 5, to life imprisonment for his attempted attack on a church in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) and for the murder of gymnastics teacher Aurélie Châtelain, in April 2015 It was one of the few terrorism trials in recent years where the main suspect was present in the defendants' box.


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The magistrates of the special assize court followed, on Thursday, the requisitions of the prosecution.

Sid Ahmed Ghlam

, a 29-year-old Algerian, is sentenced to life imprisonment with a 22-year safety period.

He also receives a definitive ban from French territory. 

A few hours before the verdict, and for the first time in the trial which lasted a month, Sid Ahmed Ghlam declared " 

bitterly regret his career

 ", without however acknowledging the facts which were alleged against him.

► To read also: Missed attack of Villejuif: "I had fallen into the trap, it was impossible to refuse"

Ghlam claims to have renounced the attack on the church

Wednesday, November 4, his lawyers had pleaded the release, believing that a doubt remained on the circumstances of the death of Aurélie Châtelain, and that it should therefore benefit their client.


the abortive attack in a church in Villejuif

, in Val-de-Marne, Sid Ahmed Ghlam had confirmed this project to the court, before explaining that he had given up on it a few hours before.

A version which apparently did not convince the magistrates.

Asked to speak one last time in front of the court, Sid Ahmed Ghlam declared: " 

I feel guilty and I will feel guilty all my life.



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Missed attack in Villejuif: "I fell into the trap, it was impossible to refuse"

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