Teller Report

Izvestia: In Russia, the number of labor migrants decreased by 22.5%

11/5/2020, 11:29:35 PM

The number of labor migrants in Russia decreased by 521 thousand (22.5%) compared to September 2019. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"According to the statistical reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as of September 30, 2020, more than 1 million 795 thousand foreign citizens are employed in Russia (as of September 30, 2019 - 2 million 316.2 thousand)," the message says.

Earlier, the Moscow Department of Health said that patients with coronavirus or suspected coronavirus are not divided into migrants and locals - everyone is treated for free.

According to the capital's mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the number of migrants in the city has decreased by about 40%.