Teller Report

Federal law counting deadline'December 8'... Trump, how far will it be?

11/5/2020, 10:59:47 PM

The tradition of the US presidential election, which was ended neatly through the victories of the losers, is now completely shattering. From now on, I am concerned about how far President Trump will take, but US federal law requires that the votes be counted by December 8 and the electoral group is confirmed.


The tradition of the US presidential election, which was ended neatly through the victories of the losers, is completely shattering this time.

From now on, I am concerned about how far President Trump will take, but US federal law requires that the votes be counted by December 8 and the electoral group is confirmed.

Reporter Kim Yong-cheol reports.


U.S. federal and state laws require that postal ballots with stamps sent by the post office be accepted as valid votes by the November 3rd Presidential Election Day.

However, the arrival date standards set by state law vary from state to state.

While many states accept arrivals one or two days after Election Day, Washington counts until November 23rd.

[Trump/President of the United States (last 4th night): I hope you stop all voting now.

I don't want to find the ballot at 4 am and add it to the ballot.]

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled on the 19th of last month that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's decision to extend the ballot by mail by three days was justified, but the Republican Party deliberated by the State Supreme Court. I filed a second lawsuit asking you to determine if the company was successful.

[Election Commissioner Josh Parsons/Pennsylvania Lancaster: Votes are counted until arrival on the 6th according to the decision of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

(The Republican Party) has asked the Supreme Court to reconsider it.]

Federal law in the United States requires that the governor of the state completes the counting and establishes the electors by the 8th of the following month.

During the 2000 presidential election, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the recount at the request of Candidate El Gore be stopped, and President Bush was elected.

With the appointment of the new Supreme Judge Barrett, the conservatives of the Supreme Court of the United States have become more conservative, with six conservative progressives and three.