Teller Report

Arsenal wins with the help of friendly fire and leads the way in Group Two in the European League

11/5/2020, 10:23:40 PM

Arsenal took advantage of friendly fire and clinched the top spot in Group Two in the European Football League with a massive 4-1 victory over Molde of Norway on Thursday in the third round of the group.

Arsenal took advantage of friendly fire and settled the top of Group Two in the European Football League with a big 4-1 victory over Molde, Norway, on Thursday in the third round, which today also saw the Austrian Rapid Vienna beat Dundalk of Ireland 4-3.

Arsenal broke up the clash at the top of the group through the precious victory today, as it raised its tally to 9 points to stand alone in the lead after 3 consecutive victories and the balance of his generator stuck at 6 points in second place.

The friendly fire was the most prominent factor in Arsenal's victory in the match, as Molde scored by Martin Elligson in the 22nd minute, but his colleague Christopher Hogan scored the equalizer for Arsenal by mistake in the goal of his team at the end of the first half.

In the second half, Sherif Senian, Najm Molde, scored the second goal for Arsenal by mistake, also against his team in the 62nd minute, while the third and fourth goals of Arsenal were signed by Nicholas Pepe and Joseph Willock in the 70 and 88 minutes.

Austrian Rapid Vienna scored his first 3 points in the group with a precious 4-3 victory over Dundalk of Ireland, to stand alone in third place and Dundalk remained in fourth place last without a score of points after suffering a third successive defeat.