Teller Report

Anglophone Cameroon: the 11 teachers released, last tribute to schoolchildren killed

11/5/2020, 8:38:35 PM

In Cameroon, the teachers of the Presbyterian school kidnapped in Kumbo were released Thursday, November 5 at midday, according to the office of the governor of the English-speaking northwest region. A libé ...

Anglophone Cameroon: the 11 teachers released, last tribute to schoolchildren killed

Students, parents and teachers during a demonstration in Kumba, October 25, 2020, after a deadly attack on a school in this city of English-speaking Cameroon.

(illustration) REUTERS / Josiane Kouagheu

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3 min

In Cameroon, the teachers of the Presbyterian school kidnapped in Kumbo were released Thursday, November 5 at midday, according to the office of the governor of the English-speaking northwest region.

A release that comes as the burial of the murdered children in their school in Kumba, on October 14, took place in the morning in the English-speaking southwest.


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The 11 teachers at

the Kumbo Presbyterian School

had been detained since Tuesday, November 3, when they were abducted during school hours.

According to the president of the Presbyterian Church, Reverend Samuel Fonki, the kidnappers were separatists who released the teachers under pressure from civil and religious society, without any financial compensation.

Still according to him, the teachers are in good health.

They were neither beaten nor manhandled.

If a doubt persisted since Tuesday on the number of people detained, the reverend affirms that it is indeed 11 prisoners who returned home this Thursday.

► See also: Attacks on schools are increasing in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon

Joseph Dion Nguté and several members of the government present for the funerals of the eight schoolchildren

At the same time, the people of Kumba, in the southwest, were paying their last respects to their children.

The funerals of the eight schoolchildren killed

on October 24 in a classroom by armed men took place in the morning.

Prime Minister Joseph Dion Nguté and several members of the government were present.

In a statement released Wednesday evening, the government condemned " 

terrorist acts which seek to dissuade parents from sending children to school


# NationalMourningDay # KumbaMassacre #WeStandForPeace

In the Loving Memory of the Children of #Kumba, let's build #Peace.


In memory of the children of #Kumba, let's work together for # Peace. # DionNgute # Cameroon # Cameroon

  Cameroon PM Cameroon (@ CameroonPm237) October 31, 2020


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  • Cameroon

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