Teller Report

A reporter and resident detained for two years for broadcasting a fabricated story about "Corona"

11/5/2020, 10:04:57 PM

The Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal has sentenced two defendants, one of whom is a local TV channel correspondent, for two years, after they were found guilty of broadcasting a fabricated story about the death of five people from one family as a result of infection with the "Covid-19" virus, on a local channel, and deporting the accused resident from his father.

Allegedly, 5 people from one family died of "Covid-19"

A reporter and resident detained for two years for broadcasting a fabricated story about "Corona"

The Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal sentenced two defendants, one of them a local TV channel correspondent, to two years in prison, after they were convicted of broadcasting a fabricated story about the death of five people from one family as a result of infection with the "Covid-19" virus, on a local channel, and deporting the accused resident from the state after Execution of the penalty.

The details of the incident are due to the appearance of the first accused, along with the second defendant, a correspondent of one of the local channels, on that channel’s screen, and broadcasting a fabricated story about the death of five people from one family as a result of infection with the "Covid-19" virus, and the Public Prosecution's investigations at the time proved that this incident is false And bare of health.

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