Teller Report

'Victory Threshold' Biden vs'Litigation Card' Trump... What is the overall market price?

11/5/2020, 9:23:41 PM

The next president of the United States is likely to become Democratic candidate Joe Biden. With six states still less counting, the situation seems to be a lot better for Biden.

<Anchor> The

next US president is likely to become Democrat Joe Biden.

With six states still less counting, the situation seems to be a lot better for Biden.

But President Trump still has no intention of surrendering.

Candidate Biden has announced that he will file a bunch of lawsuits in all of the leading states, so let's connect Washington.

Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung, let’s first summarize the counting situation so far.


Yes, looking at the current counting status, there are 253 Democratic candidates Biden and 213 electors by President Trump.

Counting has yet to be completed in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia in the East and Nevada, Arizona and Alaska in the West.

How fierce the competition is right now, there are only 13,000 votes for Georgia and 11,000 for Nevada.

The overall sales force favors Biden.

Bringing 11 electors from western Arizona and six electors from Nevada, with nearly 90% of the votes counted, will fill the magic number of 270 and confirm the presidential election.

Fox News has already declared Biden's victory in Arizona, and Nevada is favoring Biden as big cities like Las Vegas are counting votes.

President Trump is two short of the electoral corps, even if he brings Alaska, Georgia, North Carolina, even Pennsylvania and parts of Maine.

In Pennsylvania, where there was a difference of more than 500,000 votes at first, candidate Biden is frighteningly pursuing, and the difference in votes has decreased to 110,000.


Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung, President Trump announced a bunch of lawsuits as the situation became like this, right?


Yes, the card that President Trump pulled out is a massive objection lawsuit.

President Trump told Twitter that every state in which Biden claims victory will sue for voter fraud and election fraud.

He added that the evidence was sufficient and that they would win.

Twitter also posted a series of tweets to stop scams.

Trump Camp has actually filed lawsuits in key competition states, including Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, to stop counting votes.

Wisconsin is demanding a recount.

Even in the state of Nevada, which is struggling to win, at least 10,000 people voted illegally today and filed a lawsuit.

<Anchor> You

said there are court rulings coming out by state?


First, the first trial court dismissed the Michigan state ballot count.

Trump camp said that the Democratic Party was hiding the ballot counting process from Republican observers, and made it an issue of access to the voting process, but the court decided that a lawsuit was filed late after the counting took place, and the lawsuit was wrongly chosen.

Georgia courts also dismissed the Republican lawsuit, and the state secretary of state held a press conference to refute Trump's claim that there were no election frauds.

Let’s hear it yourself.

[Georgia Secretary of State: Voters are not people involved in election fraud.

These people aren't the ones who pressure the election.

I'd say they just do their job every day.

We will work to ensure that all votes are counted legally.]

However, the Pennsylvania Court of Appeals ruled

that it would

allow Republicans to be closer to the ballot counting process, but it was not an order that would affect the election results, CNN said. Reported.


Candidate Biden is relatively relaxed and relaxed, right?


Yes, candidate Biden has already opened the homepage of the transition committee. Today, candidate Biden received a private briefing related to Corona 19.

It means that he will keep his pledge to solve the serious corona situation, and even though he did not declare victory, there are even analyzes that he has actually started the move of the elect.

President Biden's camp chairman predicted that Trump's lawsuit would be useless.

Biden reassured his supporters on Twitter a while ago, saying he feels good about the counting situation right now, saying that he should be patient until all the votes are counted.