Teller Report

"To achieve justice": why Trump demanded to suspend the counting of votes in a number of states

11/5/2020, 10:32:47 PM

During the elections in the United States, "anti-democratic phenomena" were observed. This was stated by the lawyer of the current head of the White House, Rudolph Giuliani. According to him, "large-scale fraud" took place. The campaign headquarters of Donald Trump through the court demanded to suspend the counting of votes in the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan, in Wisconsin - to recount the votes, and in Georgia - "to separate all ballots that arrived late from all legally cast ballots." In addition, the American leader's lawyer did not rule out filing a federal election lawsuit. According to analysts, now all Trump's forces are aimed at winning the election.

Rudolph Giuliani, the lawyer of the incumbent US President Donald Trump, said about "massive fraud" in the elections in the United States.

“On the way to Philadelphia with a group of lawyers.

Large-scale fraud.

After counting 75% (ballots -


), Trump is leading by 550 thousand (votes -



Let's not let the Philadelphia Democratic politicians steal the victory! "

- he wrote on his Twitter page.

En route to Philadelphia with legal team.

Massive cheating. @ RealDonaldTrump up by 550,000 with 75% counted.

Will not let Philly Democrat hacks steal it!

- Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) November 4, 2020

Later, during his speech in Philadelphia, Giuliani emphasized that the most "anti-democratic phenomena" he had ever encountered were happening "not only in Philadelphia, but throughout the country."

“We have filed a lawsuit.

It was assumed that when the ballots arrived by mail ... we would, in accordance with the law, observe the counting of votes.

To "observe" for any reasonable person means to be able to look at the ballot.

But for the rotten political machine of the Democrats in Philadelphia, that means observers may be six to nine meters away, unable to see the ballot itself, to make sure the envelope is properly postmarked, the proper address, the proper signature.

Oftentimes, because of such things, ballots are disqualified.

Otherwise, it is very easy to throw in 50 thousand falsified ballots, because observers do not look at them, ”explained Trump's lawyer.

According to Giuliani, Philadelphia is "known for rigging election results."

“There are cases when ballots were issued for already dead people.

Let's see how many such votes have been cast now.

I didn't think I would have to, but we will do it, ”he said.

Giuliani added that similar violations occurred not only in Philadelphia, but also in Wisconsin.

“We have the exact same lawsuit in Wisconsin, where exactly the same thing happened.

Is that in Wisconsin at four or three o'clock in the morning, about 120 thousand ballots mysteriously appeared! "

- said the lawyer of the American leader.

  • Great Seal of the President of the United States

  • Reuters

  • © Rick Wilking

He also did not rule out filing a lawsuit regarding the elections at the federal level.

“So we will not leave this claim here.

And let's serve another one.

And then we will file a claim in federal court.

We will thoroughly consider the prospect of bringing the case to the national level.

We will, of course, file lawsuits here and in Wisconsin - and, quite possibly, we will file a lawsuit at the national level and really expose the corruption of the Democratic Party, ”said the lawyer.


Trump's campaign headquarters clarified that one of the lawsuits filed a requirement to suspend the counting of votes in Pennsylvania.

Trump's deputy chief of staff, Justin Clark, said in an official statement that the lawsuit was filed to "thwart the actions of election officials from the Democratic Party seeking to hide the counting and processing of votes from Republican observers."

According to Clark, the headquarters wants "to suspend the tally until there is real transparency and Republicans can ensure that all tally is done fairly and in accordance with the law."

Clarke also noted that the headquarters will seek Trump's entry as a party to the Supreme Court case regarding the timing of receipt of ballots submitted by mail.

Trump's headquarters has also filed a lawsuit to suspend the counting of votes in Michigan.

This is stated in the statement of the head of the election headquarters Bill Stepien.

The lawsuit was also filed in Georgia, Justin Clarke said in a statement.

“President Trump and the Georgia Republican Party have filed a lawsuit requiring all Georgia counties to separate all late ballots from all legally cast ballots to ensure free, fair elections that count only legitimate, valid ballots," the statement said.

However, the courts in Michigan and Georgia have already rejected these claims.

Moreover, Trump's headquarters announced that his headquarters needed citizens' help to "ensure that the necessary resources are available to protect the results" of the election.

According to the American media, we are talking about fundraising for these purposes.

“We cannot let the leftist crowd disrupt our elections,” the headquarters said on Twitter, linking to a donation site.

  • Central counting center in Kenosha, Wisconsin, November 3, 2020

  • Reuters

  • © Daniel Acker

It is worth noting that the outcome of the US presidential election is still uncertain.

Several states have yet to complete the vote count.

At the same time, against the background of the elections, protests intensified throughout the United States.

In particular, in Detroit, several dozen people began knocking on the windows of the TCF Center building, where part of the ballots are processed, demanding that the vote count be stopped.

Riots continue in New York, where more than 20 protesters have been detained.

In Portland, police forcefully disperse demonstrators.

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Denver, some of them smashing shop windows.

As a result, the police used tear gas against the protesters.

Before the elections

We will remind, at the end of September, Donald Trump avoided answering the question whether he is ready to guarantee a peaceful transfer of power in case of defeat in the elections.

“We will see what happens.

You know that I have complained a lot about voting by mail, and this is a disaster ... We will get rid of the ballots, and then it will be very peaceful ... frankly, there will be no transmission.

Further there will be a continuation, "- said the head of the White House.

Earlier in the month, the American leader did not rule out a scenario whereby the Supreme Court would decide the outcome of the presidential election.

“I think it will go to the Supreme Court.

And I think it is very important that we have nine judges, ”Trump said at a meeting with state attorneys general.

According to the head of the White House, "the machinations carried out by the Democrats must be considered" by this instance.

After that, Donald Trump nominated lawyer Amy Connie Barrett, a supporter of conservative views, to the post of a member of the US Supreme Court.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden then asked the Senate not to approve Barrett's candidacy until the presidential election.

According to him, "The US Constitution is drafted in such a way that voters have only one opportunity to influence the appointment to the Supreme Court."

However, at the end of October, the United States Senate approved Amy Coney Barrett as a Justice of the United States.

She was sworn in at a ceremony at the White House.

Then Barrett promised that she would "do his job without fear and without bias, as well as regardless of the influence of political forces and their own preferences."

Barrett's statement was criticized by Democrats.

In particular, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi in her official statement said that "President Trump and the Republican Senate, absolutely desperate, pushed their candidacy of the judge to the Supreme Court."

“Now Americans must continue to push for their voices to be heard in the elections.

Congress will have to repair the damage from the radical actions of the Republican-controlled court, ”she said.

  • New York, November 4, 2020

  • Reuters

  • © Carlo Allegri

Recall that the Supreme Court can play a leading role in the event that the results of the presidential elections in the United States are decided to challenge for any reason.

The last such case took place in 2000, when the Supreme Court stopped a recount in Florida, the results of elections in that state determined the outcome of the entire presidential race.

As a result, Republican George W. Bush won.

Conversion tactics

As Yuri Rogulev, director of the Franklin Roosevelt Foundation for the Study of the United States at Moscow State University, noted in an interview with RT, "many in the United States and beyond expected that the counting of votes after the presidential election would be complicated."

According to Rogulev, all the forces of Trump and his staff are now aimed at ultimately "defeating Biden."

“Trump can get the required number of electoral votes - 270. Therefore, the tactic of the American leader is to obtain additional electoral votes by recalculating the results in some states, and by suspending the counting in a number of states, to maintain their winning positions,” the analyst explained.

At the same time, Rogulyov stressed that Trump's actions do not mean that he is refusing to peacefully transfer power.

“Trump opposes the violations that were observed during the elections, against what he considers inappropriate.

We will soon find out how much the American leader and his team will be supported by the courts, ”the expert noted.

If the decisions of local courts "do not satisfy Trump and his headquarters, the case may reach the Supreme Court," Rogulev said.

  • White House

  • Reuters

  • © Tom Brenner

Konstantin Blokhin, a researcher at the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, shares this opinion.

According to him, Trump "expects to use his trump card - to bring the case to the Supreme Court, which is now dominated by conservative pro-Trump judges."

“The 45th President of the United States intends to seriously fight for his victory, for every vote and to defend his rights in court.

There will be a large number of judicial proceedings for each case of violations and falsifications.

The American leader hopes that the outcome of the elections will be decided in the Supreme Court.

It was no coincidence that the head of the White House nominated Amy Barrett for the post of chief justice.

Her inauguration increases Trump's chances of winning this instance, if it comes to that, "the analyst concluded in an interview with RT.

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