Teller Report

These ten series that tell about the America of the Trump era

11/3/2020, 5:56:57 PM

As Americans elect their 46th president, here are ten series that tell about Trump's AmericaBrendan Gleeson plays Donald Trump in the series "The Comey Rule". - CBS Television Studios Traditionally, Hollywood has voted Democrat and Republicans are under-represented on screens. But, since his election in 2016, Donald Trump has inspired American screenwriters. The 45th President of the United States and his supporters have infiltrated their intrigues. As Americans elect their 46th presiden

Brendan Gleeson plays Donald Trump in the series "The Comey Rule".


CBS Television Studios

Traditionally, Hollywood has voted Democrat and Republicans are under-represented on screens.

But, since his election in 2016, Donald Trump has inspired American screenwriters.

The 45th President of the United States and his supporters have infiltrated their intrigues.

As Americans elect their 46th president, here are ten series that tell about Trump's America

"The Comey Rule"

Behind the scenes of Donald Trump taking office.

Adapted from the memoir of the former FBI chief published in 2018 (

Lies and Truths

, Flammarion), the four episodes of

The Comey Rule

, available on MyCanal, analyze the role of James Comey (Jeff Daniels, impeccable) in the election of Donald Trump.

Appointed in 2013 by Barack Obama, the head of the FBI opened the investigation into the emails of Hillary Clinton in the middle of the presidential campaign.

James Comey will finally be fired by Donald Trump (Brendan Gleeson) in 2017 when he was closely interested in Russian interference in his election and did not give in to the intimidation of the President of the United States, whom he will describe a year later in his memoirs as an "inveterate liar" with "mafia" behavior.


The "ideal soap opera to watch in the Trump era," according to the American press.


, available on OCS, follows a New York family sitting on a multibillion-dollar media and entertainment empire.

Rich, odious, neurotic, the members of this completely dysfunctional dynasty of billionaires are ready to do anything to satisfy their slightest whim, reminiscent of Rupert Murdoch (Fox), Sumner Redstone (Viacom and CBS) or even that of Donald Trump.


portrays America of billionaires above the law.


When the cult sitcom of the 1990s


made its return to ABC in 2018, the idea was to better represent on television the tens of millions of working-class Americans, conservatives and sensitive to Donald Trump's speech, almost absent from the small screen.

Roseanne's character is blatantly pro-Trump while Jackie, her younger sister, is pro-Clinton.

This return ended in controversy, the fault of its main actress, Roseanne Barr, author of a racist tweet a few days after the return of the series on the air.

Roseanne's character died of an opioid overdose and the series was renamed

The Conners


If this new version, which is not available to date on any platform in France, is less openly pro-Trump, it nevertheless depicts the daily life of an ordinary family from working-class America.

"The Ranch"

Work, family, barbecue!

After the shock of Donald Trump's election in 2016, the analysis.

The typical profile of the voter of the American billionaire emerges: he is a white man, quite old, little educated who lives in a rural state.

“These assholes won;

they are on the news every day.

So why should we watch a sitcom about them too?

“Asked the chief critic of the


Vanity Fair

, Richard Lawson at the launch of season 2 of

The Ranch


But if you want to know more about the lives of


in the Bible Belt, multicamera sitcom

The Ranch

, available on Netflix begins when Colt Bennett (Ashton Kutcher) scuttled after a career in the semi-pro football returns to live on the family ranch deep in Colorado.

He will reconnect with his brother Rooster (Danny Masterson), and his father, Beau (Sam Eliott) and his mother, Maggie (Debra Winger) who runs the local bar.

The credo of his father, republican to the end of his


: “No change, and shut the fuck up”.

In the middle of gritty jokes and between two sips of bourbon, he launches: "Global warming is a thing invented by Al Gore to sell books to the fools of California".

"The Righteous Gemstones"

The Righteous Gemstones

, available on OCS, pinpoints the hypocrisy of a family of pro-Trump televangelists in Texas, led by millionaire redneck Eli Gemstone (John Goodman).

Alongside the Patriarch, son Jesse Gemstone (Danny McBride, creator of the series), his brother Kelvin Gemstone (Adam DeVine), his sister Judy (Edi Patterson), relegated to the rank of vase and her brother-in-law, and the mother gone and revered, Aimee-Leigh.

In the realm of Gemstone, these crooked new rich with flashy bad taste live opulently thanks to the cash machine quests within their



At their disposal, a shooting range and a private militia.

Obsessed with wealth and power, Gemstones are far from altar boys.

"Mrs America"

A portrait of the First Lady of anti-feminism.



, available on MyCanal, is a mini-series starring and produced by Cate Blanchett as Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative, anti-feminist and anti-abortion ideologue who successfully defeated ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. (ERA), an equal rights amendment to the American constitution aimed at ensuring equal rights between men and women in America in the 1970s. The series traces the direct conflict with feminist icons Gloria Steinem ( Rose Byrne), Shirley Chisholm (Uzo Aduba) and Betty Friedan (Tracey Ullman).

The last episode of the series shows her with a badge bearing the effigy of Ronald Reagan with the slogan taken up by the current American president: "Make America Great Again".

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Phyllis Schlafly, a supporter of the religious right, encouraged Christians to side with Donald Trump in his latest book,

The Conservative Case for Trump


After her death on September 5, 2016, Donald Trump paid tribute to her by calling her a “conservative icon”.

"Last Man Standing"

Last Man Standing


C'est moi le chef! 

is a sitcom canceled by ABC in 2016 after six seasons, but relaunched by Fox in 2018. This family comedy, available on MyCanal, follows the Baxter family.

Tim Allen plays a politically conservative family man who works as a store manager in Denver, Colorado, with his wife Vanessa and three daughters.

Mike is portrayed as an old school dad who loves his guns, traditional values ​​and America.

Some other members of his family, including his wife, are more liberal, which leads to political debates within the household.

Subtle blows at Barack Obama, the Clintons and the left in general.

The perfect sitcom to make conservatives laugh.

"The Good Fight"

On February 19, 2017, on the American channel CBS, the first episode of

The Good Fight

, the spin-off of

The Good Wif

e, opened with the dumbfounded face of the fabulous Christine Baranski in the role of lawyer Diane Lockhart , in front of the televised broadcast of the inauguration of Donald Trump.

Over the seasons,

The Good Fight

, two seasons of which are available on MyCanal, has taken on the Trump era, evoking in season 2, the impeachment of the president, fomenting in season 3 a plan to overthrow him.



Robert King, co-creator of the series, explained that season 4 is about the fact that Donald Trump has changed the rules of the game, and that even those of the law no longer hold.

“There are no more rules.

Trump took them, burned them and he fell… on the ashes, ”says one of the characters in the show.

The Good Fight

finally tells the story of how Democrats lived through the Trump era.

"Space Force"

Donald Trump launched the idea in 2018 to create a sixth branch of the American armed forces, intended to carry out military operations in space.

A year later was born "Space Force", set up by the Pentagon.

The catch? 

Space Force

is the name of a Netflix comedy, and the Los Gatos platform has secured the title of its production, unlike the Trump administration, so "Space Force" has still not been validated by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Imagined by the creators of

The US Office


Space Force

parodies the great military project of the Trump administration through history the hilarious adventures of a general in charge of leading this new branch (Steve Carell) grappling with a president relegated out field (and a shower of tweets).

"The Plot Against America"

American writer Philip Roth didn't have Donald Trump in mind when he wrote his chilling uchronia

The Plot Against America


But in adapting it for television, screenwriter David Simon draws a daring parallel between this imaginary slippage of the United States towards fascism and the surprise electoral victory of the New York real estate developer.


The Plot Against America

, available on OCS, the populist and xenophobic ex-aviator Charles Lindbergh wins the presidential election in place of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In an America in the throes of rising anti-Semitism, history is seen through the eyes of a working-class Jewish family in New Jersey.



One year of presidency of Donald Trump: The US series, from the "joke" to the resistance


How did “Succession” become the most relevant series of the Trump era?

  • United States

  • US presidential election

  • Series

  • Donald trump