Teller Report

In the first three quarters of live broadcast related complaints and reports 21,900 pieces of goods accounted for nearly 60%

11/3/2020, 10:44:51 PM

The rapid development of live broadcast delivery also needs to be more standardized (market walk)   More standardized live broadcasts can accelerate the survival of the fittest in the industry and improve consumer experience, thereby ushering in greater development opportunities and further stimulating my country's huge consumption potential   On the first day of this year's "Double 11" e-commer

The rapid development of live broadcast delivery also needs to be more standardized (market walk)

  More standardized live broadcasts can accelerate the survival of the fittest in the industry and improve consumer experience, thereby ushering in greater development opportunities and further stimulating my country's huge consumption potential

  On the first day of this year's "Double 11" e-commerce promotion pre-sale, only 10 minutes, the sales of Taobao live broadcast exceeded the whole day of last year, and the cumulative number of live broadcasts by two anchors exceeded 100 million.

In the field of beauty, there are 12 single-product live broadcasts with transactions exceeding 100 million yuan per hour.

Live delivery of goods has once again become a hot spot in the market.

  Live delivery of goods emerged in 2016. In just a few years, this new model of displaying, explaining, and selling products using Internet live broadcast has developed rapidly.

Especially since the beginning of this year, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, offline transactions have been impacted. "Live broadcast rooms" have been moved to fields and factory workshops. Farmers anchors sell self-produced fruits and vegetables, and entrepreneurs are platforms for their own products.

The live broadcast brought the goods to quickly connect supply and demand, which effectively promoted the recovery of consumption.

  However, there are also some problems with the rapid development of live streaming.

In the first three quarters, the 12315 platform across the country received 21,900 complaints and reports related to live broadcasting, a year-on-year increase of 479.6%, of which nearly 60% were related to live broadcasting. The problems mainly focused on poor product quality and exaggerated promotion to induce consumption Consumers impulsive consumption, after-sales return is difficult to guarantee.

  Live delivery of goods involves many consumers, and there is an increasing demand to include live delivery of goods into effective supervision.

The "Measures for the Supervision and Management of Online Transactions (Draft for Comment)", which solicited opinions from the public not long ago, responded to market calls in a timely manner, clarifying that the live broadcast of goods should display the actual business entities, after-sales service and other information in a significant way.

Even if individuals sell self-produced agricultural and sideline products and cottage industry products online, they must publish their actual addresses and contact information.

At the same time, the live broadcast must provide a review function. If the anchor is suspected of false propaganda, it will leave conclusive evidence.

These new regulations will greatly reduce the difficulty of protecting consumers' rights and help standardize the operation of live streaming.

  In order to include live streaming of goods into effective supervision, it is also necessary to seize the "bull nose" of the platform.

In the first three quarters, a total of 8,079 companies were involved in complaints and reports related to live broadcasting, and the top five were all large e-commerce platforms and short video platforms.

Standardizing live broadcast delivery should start with these platforms.

The "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Transactions (Draft for Comment)" proposes that the platform should establish an inspection and monitoring system.

It is expected that relevant departments will further refine this requirement, especially to clarify what inspection and monitoring systems the platform should establish.

  In addition, businesses are encouraged to broadcast by themselves so that production and sales can be directly connected, which can also better regulate live broadcasts.

At present, companies requesting well-known anchors to live broadcast the goods are expensive, costly, and complicated in the sharing process. Many companies lose money and make money, which is unsustainable.

If the business broadcasts itself and sells the product directly to consumers, it can save intermediate links and give more benefits to consumers. At the same time, consumer rights protection after sales is more direct and efficient, avoiding some excuses between anchors, live broadcast platforms, and businesses. .

  While achieving effective supervision, we should also adhere to the principle of tolerance and prudence, and leave enough room for reasonable development of new business formats and models of online transactions such as live streaming and delivery.

We have reason to believe that more standardized live streaming will accelerate the survival of the fittest in the industry and improve consumer experience, thereby ushering in greater development opportunities and further stimulating my country's huge consumption potential.

  Lin Lili