Teller Report

"Mass censorship for the Democrats": Giuliani on the scandal with Biden's son and confidence in Trump's victory

11/3/2020, 8:53:34 PM

“Trump will win an unexpected victory. And we cannot convey this idea, among other things, due to the fact that 80% of the media are simply obsessively following the anti-Trump course, ”Rudy Giuliani, the personal lawyer of the US President and former mayor of New York, said in an interview with RT. The sensational interview of the TV channel with Professor Scott Atlas, White House adviser on the fight against coronavirus, the reaction of the mainstream media to him and the subsequent apologies of Atlas did not stop Giuliani, and on the eve of election day, he discussed with RT presenter Afshin Rattanzi Trump's achievements over the years of the presidency and methods. used by the Democratic Party in the presidential race.

- Mr. Giuliani, welcome to our special edition on the US elections.

You call them the most important in your memory.



Because the two candidates are planning to lead the country in completely different directions.

Donald Trump's course is about free enterprise, further economic growth - which he brought to an unprecedented level before the pandemic, higher than under any other president!

More jobs, higher incomes, better growth rates ... But suddenly a pandemic hit us, and all the Democrats predicted that the country would face two years of economic depression, 25 percent unemployment, they said that we could not get out of such a situation, that on overcoming the crisis will take years ...

And now, please, later - how much is there?

- Three to four months we have three months of record growth in employment.

A record for the increase in the number of jobs was set every month.

The growth of our GDP over the past year - no, over the past month - is phenomenal: thirty-three and one-third percent - three times higher than the last record!

As a result, we recovered our economy by 75-80%, far ahead of all our allies in this.

Our economy is stronger than any of them.

Our economy is recovering faster, although we were among those who suffered the most.

And as for Donald Trump, you can't argue with the fact that he is masterful in guiding the development of the economy.

Few dispute this fact.

Biden, of course, has never done such things and has infantile hopes in the spirit of raising taxes will boost growth.

This is ridiculous.

  • Rudy Giuliani: "Two candidates plan to lead the country in radically different directions"

- We will discuss some of these points later.

But first, I must ask what happened before the coronavirus thwarted the economic gains announced by the Trump administration ... This is the Russian trace.

Why, even after the results of a series of checks, the version about Trump's work for Russia was not confirmed, you and his team still did not manage to convey this idea ... even, say, to the British, not to mention voters in key states where Trump is supposed to be defeated?

- First, he will win.

He will win an unexpected victory.

And we cannot convey this idea, among other things, due to the fact that 80% of the media are simply obsessively following the anti-Trump course - they have already reached some kind of pathology.

Just look at how they censored the story of a hard drive with 80,000 emails and text messages that was left by Hunter Biden ... He also left another disk - it was found in Boston.

These discs contain strong evidence of bribery, espionage and money laundering.

Simply based on the data from this disk, I could list the countries from which Joe Biden took bribes.

His son himself admits and describes it.

This story has been totally censored by tech giants, major channels and many large companies doing business with China.

They are very afraid of offending China ...  

And for the first time in American history, there is a kind of mass censorship carried out in the interests of the Democratic Party.

The impression is that the American media have become for the Democratic Party what Pravda was for the Russian Communist Party.

That is, they act like a wing of the Democratic Party: they don't publish anything good about Trump and nothing bad about Democrats, even when it comes to leaving children in danger, child pornography, espionage, bribery ... 

- To these statements Joe Biden replied: “Yes, my son, like many people you know, had problems with drugs, but he stopped taking them.

He gave up, he did it, and I'm proud of my son ... It's all the same nonsense from Giuliani, Trump's henchman ... "

- This is absurd.

His son is not done with drugs.

I have photographs to prove this.

His son has had problems with drugs for thirty years, and this is a colossal time.

And the only one to blame for this is Joe Biden himself.

When his son was young and already had a serious addiction, Biden did not allow him to live a normal life in peace ... Instead, he began to use his son as a "collector" - a person to collect bribes.

Do not involve a drug addict in deals with murderers and organized crime.

His son had a business relationship with one of the biggest crooks in Ukraine, a representative of Ukrainian organized crime, Nikolai Zlochevsky.

He received $ 4 million from Elena Baturina, who facilitated her husband's resignation in order to be in a very strong position ...

He collaborated with Ye Jianming, who is known for training intelligence agents ... for infiltrating people into fictitious companies to use for espionage purposes.

Finally, Hunter Biden proudly talks about his business dealings with Patrick Ho, a major Chinese spy ... There were two major transactions from China.

In one of them, Hunter Biden's private investment fund received $ 1.5 billion at the very moment when Joe Biden was negotiating with China to reduce their tax duties and end the militarization of the islands, whose ownership is disputed by China and Japan.

Joe Biden loses to China on both counts.

In other words, they are raising duties and increasing their military presence in the area of ​​the islands.

On the other hand, eight days after their return from China, Hunter Biden receives a letter stating that the Chinese are going to invest a billion dollars in his absolutely ridiculous investment fund, which has never brought money ... The partners here were Vice President's son Hunter Biden, son Secretary of State John Kerry, son of Whitey Bulger, one of the prominent figures in the world of American organized crime, and the Bank of China ...

- Many of them deny any violations.

Joe Biden's headquarters said they were pursuing the American policy towards Ukraine and did not do anything reprehensible.

(Giuliani laughs)

The people you mentioned also say they have no violations.

Joe Biden's tax returns and disclosures show no trace of any of Hunter Biden's money.

Vladimir Putin has denied the charges against Russia.

The problem is that…

- Let me answer each of these statements.

Vladimir Putin did not figure in the accusations against Russia.

So whether he confirms it or denies it, nothing changes.

It was about Elena Baturina, and this was documented.

If someone wants to view the contents of the mentioned hard drive and then tell about it, and not keep silent, as the American press does, then he will know that everything is confirmed ... There is nothing to argue about here.

You say that none of this is mentioned in his tax returns.

Don't make me laugh: criminals don't put bribes on their tax returns.

As a prosecutor, I have dealt with 100 criminal cases, 20 corruption cases - and have never met a criminal who would write a bribe on a tax return.

Joe Biden is stupid, but not that stupid.

His bribes are in offshore accounts that Ukrainians would like to reach and which have been blocked by the US Treasury Department for five years. 

- This can be proven if we turn to the cash receipts to the accounts of Owasco ... And the money is not for Hunter Biden, because he is practically every second day in a drug frenzy from crack.

Do you know how many frames on the disk where he is under crack?

Hundreds, hundreds!

- He denies it, but don't you think ...

- Of course he denies!

Do you expect him to admit it?

- He's not running for office.

- Instead of raising the question that he denies it, why not watch the footage ... I mean that if you need an answer, look what's on the disc.

If you like, I can show some of the photos right now.

- I'm not sure our lawyers will miss this.

- Let me show you a photo ...

- Good.

- ... "therapy" crack Hunter Biden.

Here is a photo from his hard drive.

It is seen?

- Do you think that his father might not have known about his son's involvement in these contracts?

After all, today we're talking about Joe Biden, not his son.

- Well, let's take a look at Joe Biden and read ... read the email dated January 3, 2019.

In it, Hunter Biden tells his daughter that for thirty years he has been collecting money for the family.

He has to pay the expenses of the family, and then he has to give half of it to his father.

So the point is that Joe Biden used his son in the most disgusting way as a "collector".

“Or Hunter might have exaggerated and said things that his father didn’t know.

In general, I would like to touch on the topic of censorship in relation to this story ...

- But what about the text in which he explains to his father what he is doing?

- We have no response from the other side ...

- We talked about this a long time ago.

We have text messages about Joe Biden running Burisma.

We now have a witness, Mr. Bobulinsky, a US Navy officer who retired with a positive rating, and was not kicked out like Hunter for drugs.

And he reports that Joe and his son often discussed the money they received in China from the Chinese communists.

You can then ignore it!

The problem is that there is always "little" evidence.

Greed was more important than patriotism.

Hatred turned out to be more important than the good of the country.

There is no doubt about that.

Here it is - the central point of these elections.

And this understanding comes to the American people.

Over the past three weeks, the results of public opinion polls have changed dramatically.

Remember, the last time Trump won the presidential election, he was eight percentage points behind in polls on election day - and won!

Look at the enthusiasm with which Trump supporters go to rallies, and with what mood Biden supporters.

Joe Biden finds it difficult to gather even a hundred people;

Trump collected 35 thousand on the field in Pennsylvania, and 25 thousand in Michigan in snowy weather!

The American people know how dishonest our media is.

- I just want to ask about the media.

Twitter removed the entry made by Scott Atlas of the White House Coronavirus Group.

You submitted content to The New York Post, and I understand that Twitter blocked the evidence you submitted.

He blocked The New York Post, not me!

A New York Post account for two weeks!

“But Trump had three and a half years to reform the media that is now owned by the oligarchs in the United States.

Not to mention tech companies.

Why didn't he do it?

And can we expect that he will carry out such reforms?

- Reforming the media in the United States is impossible, they are protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

If he did, his actions would be challenged in court.

All liberals in the world would go crazy if he tried to censor the media.

Let's face it.

The reality is that the American president cannot muffle the voice of the media.

- Trump threatened to recognize Twitter as a publisher of information, not a platform, if ...  

- Yes, he would like to do so, only the Democrats in the Congress will never approve such an initiative.

How much money do you think Zuckerberg and Twitter gave the Democrats?

Hundreds of millions!

In the form of funding for political action committees and so on.

They took over the Democratic Party.

Therefore, they and ... They have no censorship in favor of Trump, their censorship is directed against Trump and in favor of electing the candidate under their control - Joe Biden.

If Biden is elected, then for the next four years we will be subject to this censorship ... After all, they are in cahoots.

And Trump is unpleasant to them because he, in fact, sends them to hell.

He will not let them rule the country.

He was not elected for that ... He also lost some of his sponsors.

They came to him and said, "Why don't you be gentle with the big tech companies?"

And he, in fact, threw them out of his office.

The reality is that tech giants and big media are facing the first president they can't push around.

Because the tech giants and the big media are, in fact, what the president calls them - the enemies of the people.

If you are depriving the American people of critical information about the presidential election, then you are not really doing journalism, but some kind of politicking.

  • "Censorship Against Trump and for Biden": Rudy Giuliani on US Election Coverage

“Twitter responded by saying,“ Our rules are constantly being updated.

We are ready to update and correct them when faced with new scenarios or receiving important feedback from the public. "

- Ltd!

Is it true?

Why, then, are all who are being blocked there - conservatives?

About a month ago, tax returns were published that were attributed to Donald Trump.

To get this data, it had to be stolen.

And there is no confirmation of the origin of these tax returns, there is no signature sheet ... There is not even a link to an anonymous source ... The source, of course, is anonymous, but it is not even identified.

And now it was published.

And in the history around e-mail there are three non-anonymous sources, verification through internal channels is possible.

And then, following the results of the FBI check, it turned out that everything is so.

Why was this information hushed up, and tax returns published?

- Trump, speaking after the election with the inaugural speech, which, if I'm not mistaken, could have been Steve Bannon, spoke about the American working class and the devastation of America ... Usually, the victory in the US elections is due to structural factors.

Do you not think that it was in vain that he fired people like Steve Bannon - those who were in his circle in 2016;

those who worked on the issues of the states of the "Rust Belt" of America during the campaign?

Trump canceled the North American Free Trade Agreement, did what these states wanted ... But does he need additional help? 

- Steve has an outstanding track record ... He and I are very close friends, he is a staunch supporter of the president.

And the fact that the president changes the composition of his team is quite normal practice.

I don't even really know what else he could have done to improve his results: under him, our economy has become better than ever.

Highest employment, highest wages, vastly improved poor ... African Americans are doing better than ever before.

The Democrats promised them everything in the world - and only gave them benefits.

Trump has pledged to work to solve their problems - and lifted thousands upon thousands of them out of poverty.

Many of them began to receive higher salaries than ever before.

Lowest unemployment, highest employment.

Many African Americans now support the US president - even rappers ...

The Democratic Party is essentially a parasite on African Americans: it keeps them on welfare, and they will depend on it for as long as they live on it.

All this stems from socialist thinking ... 

- Some of these indicators moved in this direction in the last years of Obama's presidency ... But I must say that under Trump, the number of uninsured Americans has grown.

Life expectancy - yes, under Obama, in 2014, it decreased, but the decline has continued.

As for the difference in income among members of different races: according to data for the third quarter of 2019, the median weekly income for blacks was three quarters of that for whites.

- Yes, but under Obama, it was only half!

Under Trump, that figure has skyrocketed.

Under Obama, African Americans were in dire straits.

He didn't do anything for them at all.

Under Trump, they have the highest wages, the lowest unemployment, and the highest employment rates.

Moreover, the death rate in America under Obama has grown, and under Trump it is falling every year.

Even this year, taking into account the deaths from the coronavirus, it is lower than Obama's last term.

Trump cuts deaths annually.

Even now, when it seemed almost impossible.

You are talking about the uninsured.

People without insurance prefer to be uninsured.

Young people think that insurance will not be useful to them, so they do not want to pay for it.

In addition, people did not want to pay the fine set by Obama ... Therefore, after the health care reform, Obama lost his majority in Congress.

Together with Biden, he lied to the American people, said: "You have the opportunity to keep your insurance plan!"

In fact, no - they take it away from you.

They said: "You can continue to be treated by your doctor" - a complete lie!

It will not work: the state will appoint a doctor for you.

Look, you in the UK have had universal public health for a very long time.

A couple of years ago, my wife got sick in London.

I didn't go to your hospitals.

And the British advised me not to go there.

I called her a private doctor and spent a lot of money on his services.

Because your national medicine is not very good.

Like the Canadian ... The Supreme Court of Canada put it this way: "For us, health care is when you are listed."

- But it costs much less ... 

- And we don't put anyone on the list ... 

- To be fair, our expenses are half that of the USA. 

- None of the Americans in your hospital will spend two days ... 

“I don't think they will agree with you in Britain.

But as for the non-white population, you can change ...

- Name at least one American who is being treated in England!

- Let's postpone healthcare for now.

Possibly non-white population ...

- So put him in order.

Why do you need this ridiculous socialist system?

- Perhaps it is the non-white population that will decide the outcome of the current elections.

With all of his successes under Trump, and with the Black Lives Matters movement emerging after police killings under Obama, why is the Trump administration criticizing the movement instead of talking more about its accomplishments?

I know Trump has done just that on various campaigns ...

“Black Lives Matters” is a Marxist organization founded by three women who declare themselves Marxists and make it clear that they have received appropriate training.

Their predecessors were the Black Panthers and the Black Liberation Army, who trained them.

And at every protest, these people demand to kill the police!

If you are talking about the phrase "Black life matters" itself, then the phrase is worthy, there are no objections.

But if we are talking about an organization that is called that, then it is an aggressive Marxist organization advocating the murder of police officers.

And her actions led to the death of police officers and large-scale pogroms wherever she theoretically conducts "peaceful protests."

These people inflict enormous damage on the blacks themselves, destroying the enterprises of black businessmen across the country.

They break down doors, rush in, take out property.

Just last night there were robberies in Philadelphia ... They went on for four days!

I saw how the doors of the store were broken open, and people drove up and collected TVs in their cars, while the police stood aside and watched.

The thing is that in Philadelphia there is a district attorney, who was appointed by George Soros, of all cases he deals with only half, and he treats criminals better than people who are innocent.

And there is a mayor who does not allow the police to detain the rioters ...

  • Rudy Giuliani on Mass Censorship for the Democratic Party of the United States

“But this will be denied by both George Soros and people from the said movement.

- George Soros will not deny that he is a major sponsor of the Black Lives Matters movement.

He also funded candidates' campaigns in twenty-seven district attorney elections and won the election of complete idiots who do not prosecute and release criminals.

George Soros is responsible for the rise in crime in Philadelphia because he promotes anarchy ...

- He doesn't admit it.

But now we know that both Trump and Biden support fracking.

As for healthcare, Trump said he was reforming the area, but there was no real, revolutionary reform - except for his recent decision on drug prices, which caused displeasure in the pharmaceutical lobby.

At the same time, he said that he would find a replacement for the Paris climate agreement.

However, for three and a half years, nothing followed ...

- And good!

The Paris Agreement was terrible!

It allows China to pollute the world while we sit and watch our economies beat down.

Because in you, in Europe, most countries curry favor with China, but we do not.

Obama fawned upon China ... And now we know why Biden did it - because he was paid!

- Of course, Great Britain wants to have its own agreement with China after Brexit.

You have a certain affinity with this country and an honorary title of knight.

What awaits the "special relationship" between London and Washington in the event of Trump's re-election or Biden's election - given that London will leave the customs union and the EU single market on December 31?

“I have great respect for the UK, as I think President Trump does.

I believe that his visit to the country clearly demonstrated how close he feels to England and the British government.

The president's claims to our European allies are that they do not pay their bills.

Germany's behavior is a significant problem.

This very rich country is giving NATO less than half of what it should.

“Even by the last months of this presidential term, we never saw a US-British trade agreement.

Do you think Biden will be faster than Trump on the issue of signing an agreement with Boris Johnson on our future after Brexit?

- Only if someone reads the text to him.

Do you know that Biden is already working on half of his coils?

Have you come across a video where he says that he is running in the elections as "George's rival", or says "I swear an oath to the United States" ... and so on ... "?

Or confuses his wife with his sister?

The Democratic Party definitely has plans for Joe Biden.

They can remove him from office at any time for two serious reasons.

First, for example, ten psychiatrists will be invited, and they will diagnose him with dementia, which he really suffers.

Secondly, now there is this hard drive.

For the past two weeks, Democrats have been brushing him off, but they can take him and show all the data and photos that Biden would not like to show.

This is in addition to other identified crimes.

You asked me about that photo of Hunter Biden.

Do you know why it is relevant?

Because all these shots - and not only - are in China!

China is acting this way to blackmail people.

Remember how all Democrats insisted that Russia could have footage of Donald Trump and his family?

Both Russia and China have footage of the Biden.

Thousands of frames.

These are very serious materials.

The Party of Democrats also has them.

Biden and not close to the White House!

He's too compromised.

- He denies dementia, and we will not receive confirmation from the Chinese and Russian special services ...

Yes, he denies dementia, but at the same time believes that his electoral competitor is called George, and thinks that he was in the Senate for 180 years.

He is constantly confused about names and numbers.

And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to loosen the restrictions on the process of removing the president from office on the basis of mental illness or disorder.

And she says that does not apply to Trump.

Why is it then?

But that doesn't bother me.

I don't think he will be elected.

I believe that Trump will be re-elected.

And everyone in Europe will again be very surprised.

Because all you do is listen to our thoroughly biased press, and therefore have very little idea of ​​the situation in the United States.

Perhaps you know what is happening in New York or Los Angeles, but you have no idea about the state of affairs in Iowa, Texas or Idaho ...

- Finally, about the survey data.

In the last election, by the end of voting day, the difference was two percentage points, and in the electoral college, Trump won.

This time, things can get more complicated.

Do you think that in the event of a minimal gap, you will have to provide legal assistance to Trump's campaign headquarters?

- In North Carolina it leads by 1%, in Florida - 3%.

And all this happened over the weekend.

That's what momentum is, that's what Trump's enthusiasm is ... Biden doesn't have it.

Surveyors don't know how to track this enthusiasm.

Here's what they are missing.

When 25 thousand people come to your meeting, they will go and vote.

When a hundred people come to your rally - well, they will also vote ... But there is a big difference: on the one hand, 25 thousand, on the other - a hundred.

A big surprise awaits you.

Then perhaps you will understand America better.

And not on the basis of materials from The New York Tmes and Washington Post, which talk only about a very narrow elite, and not about the American people.

But the people are those good people who work for the good of the country and protect it.

Watch the full interview on November 4 on the RTD website.

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