Teller Report

Valuables were stolen from the home of the Italian coach of Roma

11/1/2020, 12:08:32 PM

On Friday, the home of the Italian football team Roma coach Paulo Fonseca was exposed to a robbery, coinciding with the coach's supervision of his team's preparations for the match against Fiorentina, according to press reports on Sunday.

Valuables were stolen from the home of the Italian coach of Roma

On Friday, the home of the Italian soccer team Roma coach Paolo Fonseca was stolen as the coach was overseeing his team's preparations for the match against Fiorentina, according to press reports on Sunday.

Several press reports in Italy stated that thieves stole many watches and other valuable items valued at around 100,000 euros.

The Italian newspaper "La Repubblica" reported on Sunday that Fonseca was in Trigoria at the time of the accident, while his wife and son were in the center of the capital for shopping.

According to Calcio Mercato website, forensic experts did not find any fingerprints or evidence that might be a thread to entrap the perpetrators.

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